Chapter 10: Human

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"Are you going to be attending Ouran during your stay, Miss (name)?" Shima asked with a wrinkled smile as (name) and Tamaki enjoyed a small breakfast at a rather large table for just two people.

"I hadn't even had the slightest thought of that..." She lied, making Tamaki nearly choke on his biscuit with laughter. "I suppose I will; of course, I'll have to talk to the administrator of the school to see if I would be accepted; and then go through the whole enrolling process." She silently slurped up some cereal.

"I think the head master would allow you in, I have a feeling he wouldn't mind at all." Tamaki informed with a laugh- making even Shima chuckle. Tamaki has an infectious laugh.

(name) noticed the outfit that Tamaki is wearing the same outfit he was yesterday; at the time, she just assumed it was just a club thing; but now she knew it was the uniform. "If I'm going to go, I need another uniform, the other one was a little small on me."

"Oh, you were wearing a male uniform, Miss (name)," Shima informed, "I'll go and get you a female uniform right away!" As the elder woman scuffled off, she looked to Tamaki. "If that ugly yellow thing the guests were wearing yesterday is the female uniform, I think I'll stick to the blue suit."

"No matter the outfit, every woman is beautiful!" Tamaki proclaimed, raising a hand up for emphasis. "It is not the dress that makes the woman beautiful; it is the woman that makes the dress beautiful!"

"You have some pretty good quotes there, Grand Frère, but I think I'll stick to the male uniform." She said, taking another spoonful of cereal.

"Didn't you say something about Hosting ladies today?" Tamaki asked, suddenly remembering why she was conflicted about staying in Japan.

"Yeah, but, why?"

Tamaki's violet orbs looked at (name), then trailed down a bit for a second and swerved off to the side- as though to tell her something he was too timid to say.

"What?" She asked, pulling up her large bosom with a chuckle, "I can't host if they see I have boobs?"

Tamaki once again choked on his food at (name)'s words; a large blush growing on his pale cheeks. He looked away, the blush growing by the minute.

"A lady is not fit to host, it is simply not done!" Tamaki said, "If you are to be a host, you are to look like a boy!"

"Like you make Haruhi?" (name) asked with attitude, "Just because she's flat as a board and has short hair, you think she can pass as a guy?" she chuckled, "Where I come from, you can tell girls from guys in a millisecond, and I could see right away that Haruhi was a girl. Also, what's wrong with a girl being a host to other girls?"

Tamaki seemed to lose his marbles- as if he had many to start with. "God made man and woman; Adam and Eve! Not Alice and Eve!"

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with liking people of the same gender, Tamaki!" She yelled making the teen turn around as that was the first time she had directly used his real name. "Just because you like someone of the same sex doesn't make you any different from people who like the opposite sex! It is all the way you are; it has nothing to do with your religion! In fact, many religions allowed a woman to marry another woman and have a male husband as well! Practically everyone I know is either bisexual or homosexual! It insults me when anyone says anything bad about someone just because of his or her sexuality! My entire family is about as straight as a curly fry! It is rude, insulting, and just inhuman to discriminate someone because of his or her sexuality. I may not be the same, but that is not important; freedom for all is basic human rights and people are losing that right and killing themselves because of people who discriminate against them! A human is a fucking human, no matter who they like!" (name)'s temper had gotten the best of her and she had gone on rant- again. She took a deep breath and set down- realizing that she had been standing throughout her rant.

"I... I..." Tamaki stuttered his violet eyes wide and his breath hitching at being yelled at.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but I am just not okay with people discriminating others because they are different." (name) apologized regaining her self control- something she barely has a hold of in the first place.

"I understand..." Tamaki muttered, looking down at his plate as Shima came up and escorted her to another room to change and cool off.


"Miss (name) that was some speech you gave there." Shima commented as she adjusted her tie. "I complement you on your steadfast hold on your beliefs."

"Thank you, Shima," She pulled the tie loose- ignoring a sigh from Shima- having never liked anything choking her neck unless it was a black lace and/or leather choker. "Sometimes I just lose it... you know?"

"Indeed, Miss (name)," Shima agreed, sighing at her large bust that would easily give away her gender.

"Shima... you got a binder?"

Mkay, sorry about that, if I offended you or anything; but Tamaki's thing with the Zuka club and Haruhi's gender-fluid-ness/non-binary (not sure exactly what she would be) gets me, so this happened. (I'm gender-fluid myself, so it's kinda a personal thing). If you would, I always like hearing peoples opinions, so if you have the time, could you post your opinions on this story, or anything really! Thank you!

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