Chapter 14: Questions

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"So what are we going to do, Oh Great Wise Ones?" You ask the Devils, your tone classy, sassy and a little smart assy.

They lean in and whisper into your ears. As they whisper, your (e/c) orbs go wide. "I'M NOT DOING THAT!"


(name) sang the Pink Panther theme song as she slithered her way through the hallways of the Otori mansion. "Dadumpdadump, dadump, dadump, dadump, dadump, dadump daduuuuuummmmp dadadadaduuuummp~,"

"Will you shut up?" Hikaru whisper-yelled from behind her.

"If we're caught, we're dead meat!" Kaoru finished.

"You guys are, I'm not," (name) giggled, "I'm a more valuable business partner to the Otori's!"

(name) crept in the dark room that Kyoya now slept in, the curtains were drawn and the sun set. The clocks in Japan read 1:37 AM, this guy would not be up this late on a Friday night. After making sure the coast was clear, she make a motion for the twins to follow.

"How did you even get keys to Kyoya-senpai's mansion?" Kaoru whispered as he and Hikaru set out the bag of tricks they had brought to set up.

"I visit randomly a lot, they just gave me a set of keys," She pulled out some of the things she had put in the bag and set to work.

The trio had spent the most of the afternoon thinking of ways to prank the other club members over the weekend; first on the list, Kyoya Otori.

"Guys, before we do anything, before and after pictures!" (name) whispered taking out her night vision camera. After taking several shots of the sleeping Kyoya, both up-close and far away, and a few of the room, she put the camera up. "Ready, begin, men!"

First, they began the childish things. Putting see-through googly eyes on his glasses, drawing on his face, putting one hand in warm water, the other in cold water- simple things. Now, it's time to get complicated. Using a series of pulley systems, they made it so as soon as Kyoya sits up in bed, a beautiful cherry pie slams him in the face. After which, he could do either three things, lay back down and sleep, which will trigger a bucket of feathers to be dumped on him, get up off the right side to wash it off, which will result in him getting stuck to sticky paper, or get up off the left side to wash it off, which will result in him putting on his slippers that are filled with oatmeal.

With Cheshire grins, they put a recording camera in the corner of the room to capture the beauty that will result from this.

"Wait, after pictures!" She whispered before Kaoru was able to leave the window, "We need the blackmail in case he destroys the camera!" Quickly she took several angled shots of the room and followed the twins out the third story window.


"Oh my Morgan Freeman, this is going to be great!" (name) laughed as she logged onto her computer and accessed the camera they had placed.

"We can't wait to see when he wakes up!" The Hitachiin's said in unison- as usual.

"Wait, let me just have my laptop record it," She started, "So that way we can begin planning our next victim,"

"Sounds like a plan," The twins said, "Let's get started,"


"Hey, Takashi," (name) walked up to the tall teen as he practiced his morning kendo. "I got you a new bokken,"

"Really?" He asked as he saw the girl pull a beautifully carved wooden sword out from behind her.

"Mm-Hm!" Handing him the bokken she smiled, pecked his cheek like she always did and walked away.

Takashi swung the bokken to get used to it, the aerodynamics was perfect! He did a few simple moves with it, then got fancy and finally struck a target. As soon as he did, the blade of the bokken snapped and confetti exploded from it. "Huh?" Takashi asked himself.


"That is all I will ever do to that guy, he's too sweet," (name) insisted, "And don't even bring up pranking Hunny, that kid and his family put me through collage and helped me become one of the biggest businesses in the world!"

"Fine, who's next though?" Hikaru inquired to his two cohorts.

"All that's left is Haruhi and Tamaki," Kaoru informed forlornly, as his pranking is about to come to an end.

"Let's prank Haruhi throughout today, save Grand Frere for tonight," A smirk grew on (name) face as she said that. "Tomorrow, on the day of Sun, we rest and celebrate our victories,"


After properly pranking Haruhi into thinking she was insane at the market, the devilish trio began making plans for pranking Tamaki. Oh yes, this shall be so incredibly....evil.

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