Chapter 4: Twins

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Just to clear things up first, when they speak in French, it's italics, when it's a thought, it's underlined. The rest they are speaking normal Japanese. continue. :3

"Boss, where is Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai?" The Twins said in unison, turning their heads quizzically.

"Not sure...They better get here soon." Tamaki said, setting up for his guests, getting out the tea and such. He looked over to (Y/N), who was content with sitting on the floor in one of the darker corners of the clubroom. Somehow, she had found a raw potato and was munching on it happily, yet silently, barely being noticed by any of the preparing Hosts.

Tamaki walked to the corner, his hands in his pockets. "You know, (Y/N), you could at least sit at one of the tables. We have extras." He looked down to her, his eyebrows nit as she bit into the raw potato, mentally noting to try that when he gets home. "And you could have a more...nutritious meal, seeing as how you hadn't eaten anything since yesterday."

"Nah," (Y/N) said, with a slight shrug. She continued speaking in fluent French. "I'm fine. I like sitting in darkened corners. Plus, potatoes have great nutritional value, and a great deal of it is in the peel. It helped prevent scurvy, being sold for its weight in gold, and has many other nutritional properties."

Tamaki smiled and answered her in his native tongue. "If you wish, (Y/N), but if you need anything, all you have to do is ask, got it?"

"Oui, now, go on and attend to your Host-ly duties." (Y/N) waved him off, and continued nomming on her potato. Tamaki nodded with a smile and walked back to his sofa, fixing up the tea set.

Haruhi should be here soon, she is almost late He thought.

Kyoya walked over to Tamaki. "Why is Haruhi not setting up for her guests?" He looked over to (Y/N) sitting in the corner. "And would you like to inform me as to why she is eating a raw potato?"

"They're full of needed supplements, or at least that's the reason she told me. And, she's...taking the day off."

"Doesn't sound like Haruhi..." Kyoya walked off to finish up with fixing the budget to accompany Honey's sugar intake and Tamaki's extravagant spending now that Haruhi was taking a day off. The poor (rich) man was blind to the fact that Haruhi had yet to arrive.

The pink doors to the club bust open, and there stood the Host Club Natural in all of her out-of-breath glory; Haruhi Fujioka. Tamaki, Kaoru, Hikaru, Kyoya, and (name) looked up to see the intruder. Tamaki smiled widely once he saw the confused faces of Kyoya and the Twins; for once, it was not he that was lost.

"Sorry, guys, I got wrapped up in my studies in the library...again..." Her words seemed to drift off as she noticed the perplexed expressions her fellow club members bestowed upon her. "What, is my hair messed up? Do I offend?" She gave a light sniff to her shoulder to check for any odor.

"H-Haruhi, you're already here...In the corner...eating a potato...."The twins and Kyoya said in unison pointing over to (Y/N) in her little potato corner.

"No, I've been in the library since school let out." Haruhi walked over to where the teens were pointing and saw a girl sitting there; eating a raw potato. "Hello, I'm Haruhi Fujioka." She held out a hand to help (Y/N) up, which she took with a smile, standing up easily.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." The two smiled at each other, then gave the other a good once over.

Haruhi stood directly in front (name), their expressions mirroring each other. (name) held out an arm, the Vulcan sign up and did a sweep in front of her; Haruhi mirroring her movements exactly. The rest of the host club watched on as they continued to parallel each other, their only difference being height and bust size.

The club got closer and closer as they made sure they were in as sync as could be. Tamaki was the closest when the two girls looked over in unison, their left eyebrows raised.

"Personal space?" They asked in such unison, it would put the Hetachiin's to shame- which it did.

"They're more in sync," Hikaru started,

"Then us..." Kaoru finished, both twins looking at each other in shame.

"Huh, I didn't" (name) started

"Think we were that in unison." Haruhi finished, looking over to (name) with a mirroring smirk.

After the duo explained that, they aren't related in the least, and have never met before to Tamaki- because he insisted he have a more thorough explanation as Haruhi's 'Father', Tamaki looked up with an epiphany. "Oh, so like me with my children and Mommie?"

"Yeah, like that!"

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