Chemical Reaction

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It was supposed to be updated today but decided to add a few more things. We are currently not at the 2000+ words yet. You will know soon enough!



Waking up to Vi's handset on your forehead was not her plan. After the failed attempt to get some stuff to sell from Piltover, Vander mentions how he managed to keep you bedridden—tricking you by drinking tea. It was a smart move but not even that medicine was enough to help with your suffering.

It ticks her off that their mission failed. They were going to use that to get money and get you the proper treatment needed.

Yet, like some curse filled pattern, now each teenager and Powder were wanted for their crimes.

All because they cared enough to risk their lives. All for you and Vander..

"Heya squirt, feeling better?"

"So far okay.." Vi backs up a bit as your tiny hands rub your tired eyes, yawning and stretching, soon question Vi with closed eyes and frenzie bed head hair "...H-How did it go?...hmmm...where is everybody?"

She can't tell you that she, Claggor, Powder, and Mylo are wanted criminals in Piltover. This will not be mentioned till everything calms down. Vander promised her that. He always keeps his promises no matter the price.

"It was.....not worth it. So much junk worth not a penny."

That's a lie. It in fact worth more than either of them combined.

The pinkette noticed the small 'Oh..' that left you. Her icy blue eyes soften more upon your response. Seems like she wasn't the only one with high hopes..

"And Powder? Did she do okay out there without me?"

About that, Powder ran off with our loot and thrown it all into toxic waste water to avoid a fight.

That is what she wanted to say. Yet chose her words carefully.

"For a first timer, not bad at all. Still a rookie but has potential. Just give her some time and ya'll see."

The good news was what you wanted hear. Powder always stressed and overwhelmed by her thoughts and worth. It's good to know she did so good without you near her side. Completely reassured your soul without knowing that Vi lied. A false hope in disguise.

She helps the ill child down. She was going to allow you to walk by your own but it seems your body gave out beneath you. So, though not biological at all, carried you down to the gang. For some reason, your room was stuck up stairs and not down in the basement. Vander didn't say why but did it. Even a bunk bed for anyone to sleep up there with you. Mostly Powder.


This wasn't Powder but Claggor. He was fixing his goggles right as Vi came down with you in arms. A mess and clearly not fully awake yet. Nothingless, allowed Claggor to take (Y/N) from Vi's arms. To bond more like a sister and big brother should.

"Mylo? Where is Powder?"

"Again, I don't know. Maybe ran away for all I care.." He was trying to save his ruined shirt, cleaning with bleach, grumbling as he did so "And look, you brought the other jinx 2.0 with you. Fantastic."


"In her damn room." He didn't look up cause he knew the look she was giving him, shooing Vi off with no care in the world "Go on, I'm busy here can't you tell? Of course not. Your blind as a bat."

The insult was in fact not going to slide. The shirt Mylo washed was taken out of his grasp and tossed into a furnace. Locking it close as Mylo complains about it like it worth more than his life. Vi called it karma for his actions and chose to do something about it. Claggor and you laugh at Mylo's turmoil. Soon resume back to playing make believe; Claggor the princess and you the knight. Here to save him and rule over Candyland together always and forever!


"Why can't we not tell (Y/N) about this? I mean, Powder knows and-."

"Ekko, (Y/N) can't know." Vi, after confronting Powder, informs Ekko about how it all went down from start to finish, squinting her icy blue eyes to pinpoint some sort of solution "Plus, that's not why I pulled you aside. I got a favor to ask of you."

Ekko was not used to Vi pulling him aside like this. Actually, more taken back she had a favor for him in mind. He wasn't sure what it was nor knew an idea of what it could be. This was something he didn't expect to hear from Vi. His big sister figure. The strong, leader type one.

"Uh...sure."  He plops down on a wood crate, beside Vi as she thinks hard about something, criss cross apple sauce as he spoke more, confuzzled a bit "So, uhm, what's the favor? Go fix something right? I know, I'm quite good at fixing stuff like that."

Icy blue eyes side glance Ekko. In them he reliazed that was not it. That he wasn't even close to what she will say after.

"Whatever happens, take care of Powder and (Y/N). No matter the cost."

As of right now, Powder took (Y/N) to the small market near the two. Holding your hand as Powder waites in line for something to eat and rest for now. Not once realized that your attention was set on her smile, the gleeful shine of her ocean blue eyes. Just her.

Vi obviously planned this out from top to bottom, even on the roof to look down at everything as the two spoke. Her attention stays set on Ekko, the little boy full of potential, observing his reaction like it was a very intriguing book. Morphing from curiosity, confuzzlment, and finally uncertainty of such responsibility placed onto his young shoulders. He was a child. A orphan boy unknown to his own future. For Vi to ask him such a favor of responsibility like this was an honor but also not a great thing to hear. Especially by the one you've grown to admire..


"I what?"

"Never mind, uh, I think I need to go." Ekko had places to be, not as of right now, this favor dwelling deep into his mind at the moment "I-I gotta fix that clock Benzo been talking about n-none stop ya know? Like, I need to go grab some supplies, like, right now.."

Ekko only got a few steps in before a hand on the shoulder of his right side stopped him, his russet brown eyes staring into icy blue ones.

"Be safe out there Ekko. There are-"

"-enforcers at every corner? Vi, it's should be you, Powder, Claggor, (Y/N), and Mylo that should be worried. They're here for all you guys ya know.."

Those russet eyes didn't miss the wavering icy blue eyes flickering off from his. His attentions to leave to help out Benzo was set on pause. Now facing Vi seeking answers.

"Vi...what happened?"

She had to tell him, he knew too much now "The thing is...(Y/N) didn't go. She wasn't well enough to join us.."

That was some kind of relief for him. He knows your struggling to do much anymore, forcing yourself to do more like your not as weak as now, just to end up bed ridden for more than a week. Recovering for however long it takes.

He wasn't sure how your making this far in life, no medicine to help, just to make him spiral down the ladder of Vi's little favor..

"Still, you need to get Powder and yourself back to The Last Drop. If you want, I can take (Y/N) with me to Benzo's. I don't mind."

"You sure? Won't that be more...ya know?"

"Naahhh! Plus, if something happens to ya, I'll do my best to watch out for the two idiots! Promise!"

The pinkette seemed to be hesitate about Ekko's enthusiasm. Anything can and possibly will go wrong. However a part of her trust the boy with white hair. Fist bumping him as he raced off to retrieve (Y/N) below, have you help him carry stuff to Benzo's, as Vi takes Powder to meet Mylo and Claggor at their secret spot. To shoot dummies, train by machine, and chat about whatever comes to mind. Most of the time arguing none stop.

If only each one knew what will occur later on the next day off, at the fall of one single night. And once it starts, from there it will continuously grow. Changing each of their little young lives forever. Morphing into a future neither expected nor wanted.

An unwelcoming chemical reaction.

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