Loyalty Downfall

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Benzo was kind and often aloof when one of Vander's kids were here. He was not a father figure to you but more like the uncle figure that gives out good advice for a price kind of guy. Ekko immediately went to work on this old looking grandfather clock as Benzo grabbed you something to sip on. Soon humming a little tune as he examines his things, well, trinkets that lay around. Decoration and all. He was a hoarder as well as a tradesmen slash owner of this shop.

That was for a little while, not more than two hours, before the chimes of the bells were heard. Meaning a customer is here. Turns out it was Vander. Holding a sack of things not worth enough to sell.

"Were closed!"

"Well open up."

"For good. You can take your worthless junk else where."

Vander sighs, not leaving at all "Uh. Just as well the owner's the shittest business man I know."

The two stare at each other, for a few seconds, before laughing. Vander comes over to find your here in Benzo's too. His large free hand set on top of your head to which slips to check your temperature on your forehead. Finding no fever, because of your drink in hand, made him consider Benzo done the same trick he did that day.

"Ekko! What's going on with that thing?"

Ekko was tired of that clock, still not working right "Just give me a few seconds the kid and pinions are still busting-"

"Finish it later! Vander and I need a word."


"Off you go."

Benzo was like a father figure to Ekko. Took him in and did his best in providing and guidance to the right path. The white haired boy did as told, leaving it be, just to pick up his box of tools and parts with a uneasy huff.

"I think you should do the same." Vander push a lock of loose hair behind your ear, Benzo agreeing with him with a nod of the head.

Your not sure. Something is going on and it's buggy you. Yes, your sick, but it doesn't mean you'll allow people to push you away from the unknown. It's beginning to feel like your own opinions don't matter here. Kept in everyone's shadows for various reasons..


A small box was in Vander's hand, tiny and easy to crush in one go, set gently infront of the ill child. A small neptune blue box with tiny rope like ribbon to keep it close. Little hands untie the rope with no clue of what is inside. Once off soon open the lid cover. Vander smile grows a tad at the sparkling tint in those (E/C) eyes, holding onto the item gifted to you from him.

A small, knitted bear.
"Woaah! Lucky you!"

"Ekko be a champ and take (Y/N) with ya. Go on, we don't have all day!"

He sorta did that. Running out quickly before your in your feet and walking. It seems once you stepped out, a few minutes behind Ekko, the doors open by two enforcers. The one who opened it was a man who looks down at you with a mean judgemental glare. Half of their face covered by these metal looking mask. Made them look more scary and tad intimidating...

"Malcom. Let the child through."

There stood a lady enforcer, a kind one, who allowed you to slip pass the two to join Ekko outside. The man enforcer side glares the children before closing the door once inside the shop.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Ekko took hold of your hand and helped you climb up to the roof, shuffle to the window of the attic above Benzo's store, before leaving you to fiddle with something he must have made. The male enforcer was ordered to leave, making only one enforcer inside with Vandef and Benzo. Lucky enough to not be caught climbing up here.

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