Spearmint Trick

63 11 2

No one paid attention to the new haircut. Powder, who had it down and pinless, waltz around the small room that looks like a living room. Only in the basement. She really tried to have anyone notice her. Anyone. Only to have everyone to ignore her. Plopping down onto the couch with puffy cheeks and arms criss crossed. Grumbling to herself as plans were made for the one hundredth time.

"-nd that's it! Any questions?"

"Yeah! My question is why is these two tagging along this time?" Mylo, high egoist of the group, points at you and Powder like you weren't even standing there next to him and Claggor, the kind brother, who side glares Mylo with Vi "We can get this on our own quick and easy without them! Plus, won't we be babysitting those two the whole time? Count me out Vi."

"Mylo, shut up already!" Claggor, who gently shifts the small child closer to Vi, snaps in Mylo's face.

Towering over him due to his size..

Vi sighs, seeing that you're beginning to lower your head to the ground and rub your arms frequently, chose to push you towards Powder grumbling on the couch by her lonesome. Vi intervene with the two boys as you're now with Powder. Still not ready to go yet.

"They never noticed...now their arguing again.."

"Let's not listen to them, Powder." Getting behind her, with an idea in mind, begin to braid her hair to your liking "How about those new inventions you talk so high about? It is done yet? What dose it do?"

Powder smiles, a tad better now, reaching out for it. In her hands was a metal thing. Colorful and odd. She seems so proud of it. It would be fair to be proud of her work too.

"I haven't gave it a name yet but I will soon! All I need to do is fix blah blah blah..."

She was rambling. Very much so. Your fingers kept focus on her hair, long blue locks, braiding what you could so it would be out of Powders face the whole day. She kept rambling even after they stopped arguing about ya'll joining this mission. The two were still children, they were older and stronger, so Mylo may be right. So, it be wise to keep up and react fast. Anything can happen.


Your pulled out from your inner thoughts by Claggor. His goggles were tossed to the side, his eyes frantic and wide open, his large hand on your head and one arm wrapped around your back. Meaning he was holding you up. Each member freaking out upon what they witnessed. Mostly Powder. She didn't think you would faint on the spot behind her. Near her. She felt like she was at fault for this.

All her fault..

Claggor sighs in relief, glad to see your back from the dead "Oh thank god.."

"See! See what I mean Vi!"

"Mylo. Shut. Up."

Powder took hold of your hand, almost crying for you. All you did was hold her hand tighter. Reassuring her you're fully okay.

Vi however couldn't risk this. She knew both of the young ones were ready. Yet, the words of Mylo in her mind made her reliaze the danger of this happening again during a mission. The risk is too big. Powder can make it. But you? No chance.

"I'll go get Vander. Mylo, Claggor, Powder, stay with (Y/N) and make sure she doesn't faint again while I'm gone." Vi orders off the bat, approaching the stairs to go get Vander.

Powder frowns, not sure about the plan to steal stuff from Piltover. Not with how you're feeling.

"B-But, what about the mission? Should we wait until (Y/N) is okay?Vi??"

"We'll be going there soon." Vi stops, thinking about her choices, only to follow the most logical one "But (Y/N) will stay here. Okay?"

No words were said. To which the pinkette leader of this group opens and slams the door. Searching for Vander to help take care of who once was planned to join them to Piltover. The group stays near to make sure you're okay. Until Vi comes back with Vander.


"You're not supposed to be out of bed."

Vander, who runs the bar by himself, took his time to check in on the sickly child he took in two years ago. Finding you out of bed and fully dressed. Slipping on some shoes just as he opens the door to check up on you.

"I want to help with-"

"I know you do." Vander, setting the hot tea aside for now, picks up the unwell child into his arms, sitting down on Vi's bed to help take your shoes off "You always are eager to help anyone. Trust me, we need more of that down here. Yet allow me to help you, just this once alright?"

Vander already took off your shoes within seconds. Soon picks you up and set you in your bunk. Sitting up as he hands you some tea. Not a big tea fan yet sip it, wafting steam coming off the green liquid.

The owner, caretaker of orphans, smiles slimly upon the ill child. He has times where he thinks deep thoughts of how open and understanding you are. Found it amusing until the discovery of the illness you bear. Yet, with it slowly taking over your life, it was never dulled the light in your smile. The joy of childish adolescents. Glowing brighter each day..

"Is this mint?"

Vander chuckles, deep and gruff "No, well, close enough." He refills it again, adds honey too, before nudging it into your hands "Go on. One more cup."

It was nasty. Worst thing he ever made you drink. He makes really good food and drinks, so to be drinking, this was not what you expected from him. He knew you're not fond of it, so he gives you a stern look. Wanting you to drink it for the second time. Soon giving in. Drinking all the liquid in large gulps. Downing it so it can be over with. His smile grew slightly to be handed an empty cup. All gone.

"Good. Now I'll be back in a few. So rest."

Vander walks out, well, tried to but was called out by your voice. He turned back with a tilt of the head.

"Hm? What now?"

"The tea. What is it?"

His eyes divert to the tea cup. For a few seconds, before his eyes connected with your (E/C) ones. Knowing the answer.


Soon, he too leaves.

Laying down, staring at the walls, close your eyes for a quick nap. The only problem was that he added more into that tea. He added sleep medicine to it. Allowing you to be bedridden till fully rested and well. That's why he wanted you to drink two cups. What a sneaky man...

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