Beginning Effects

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"(Y/N)? Sweetie, wake up."

Vander returns with Vi after two hours pass. He took his time to get reinsituated at his home and bar. Vi giving your sleeping form a quizical glance as Vander just nudge her to those down stairs. Her toy rabbit she longed to have back now in hand, taking a deep breathe, enters the door and shuts it before going any further down. Besides that, Vander prepared something sweet, yet again mixing some medicine in it to help the sleeping child feel better, paused upon the dribble of blood leaking out from your nose.

He thought you were injured but found no bruises. Meaning your body chose to have a nose bleed at this time.

He went ahead to mix in some pain killers into the drink. He had a few things here to help. He wasn't rich enough to fix you with the right medicine needed.

The drink was ready. All he needs to do now was wake up the child sleeping at his bar.

Again, with a soft nudge to the arm, trys to wake up the child infront of him, at his bar "Come on now. I made your favorite."

A deep inhale of air was needed, groggy by being woke up from your sweet peace, crinkled pupils of young (E/C) eyes now adjusting to the bright light of The Last Drop. Landing on Vander who slides the so called drink your way. Unknown to the medicine trick added into the liquid goodness, tiny hands take hold of it. Drinking tiny sips as Vander grabs a napkin. Unknown to what he is about to do with it.

"It's not like you to come down here and waite. Not this long." Two fingers tilt your tiny head up, the other held the napkin, being very careful to wipe the blood away, even the dried bits "I appreciate you waiting but I rather you not bleed out like this, staining my bar with your nose bleed."

The nose bleed was unintentional, never once realized that was happening either, allowed Vander to lend a helping hand with your nose bleed. Carefully stuffed a batch up your nose onced fully cleaned. Returning to sipping the straw he placed in your drink.

What was intentional was the pipe. To return it to the owner fresh and new, free of all damage from proir event.

It was on the bar, tucked from within your arms while you slept, laying there out in the mere open. Vander back was turned as Powder slowly crept up the stairs, looking so sad and not as joyous as before, stride towards the music box with various songs to chose from. A single rabbit toy in her hand. Swaying left to right as she made her way there.

Vander perpares Powder her drink, which was apple juice, only to pause as his new pipe was placed infront of him. Eyes widen by the sight. Not sure what to say.

"I...tried to fix it. The whole day...Claggor helped too.."

When the music changed to some whimsical jazz song, mellow and bittersweet tunes, a large clauos hand was set on the head of (H/C). The pipe was now being examined thoroughly by Vander, his hand on your head remains, tiny (E/C) eyes watching his every move. His every reaction.

A dwelling sigh leaves him, shoulders slumped down a tad more "You simple have no idea how much this means to me do you?"

Of course you didn't. But you tried to fix it for him. To be some kind of use here..

For some reason, knowing he must be happy to have it back now, stare down at the hand offering the pipe. Vander smile grew a tad to show teeth, holding it out for you to take. Like if he wants you to have it knowing it was his. For how important it was to him..

"You're a good, bright hearted kid (Y/N). No matter the events that unfold, your always the first to step up to make amends to the problems you've never created. Like this pipe here." He placed it in your hands just as Powder climbs up the chair next to you, having your fingers close over the pipe, Vander's hand over it too as he spoke more "Forget what happened today okay? What I want you to do is to know that your meant for such big things. Bigger than any of us. Keep your smile, laughter, and heart open even when times begin to become harder to over come. You'll make it far so don't give up just yet okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04 ⏰

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