ChApTeR TwElVe-The Hell part one

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From the last chapter:

“No, Jase wait!” I said in his mind. “Don’t go, I don’t know what’s wrong with my hand, just don’t go! I love you not him!”

“You’re a liar Jane. I’m sorry I transformed you…I think you’re the demon not him…” He said then he kicked my head and my heart stopped.

The only thing I fell was the fact that Madness raised me up then…”


Then I didn’t feel anything…wherever I looked I could see only dark. I somehow fell my body cold and weak without blood or other liquids in it. I couldn’t open my eyes, I couldn’t speak or talk in somebody’s mind…I couldn’t move. I could just remember. I remembered everything I’ve done and everything which was done to me. I remembered Jase, I remembered the moments when we was good to me, I even remembered the bad moments I had to endure like: when Madness killed my parents, my friends and even me; when Jase started to hit me and he bit me brutally…I remembered the day when I was transformed. But I also remembered what I didn’t want to remember: Those two kisses with the man called Madness…The only thing I couldn’t remember was who was that Madness…And that thought somehow scared me. I felt like I’ve lost something. Suddenly, I could open my eyes. I looked around me: everything was grey and there was fog everywhere.

“Where am I?” I said with a cold voice and around me it transformed into an eco.

I stood up slowly then I started to move through the fog. Everything was so strange. It looks like I was kept in a box. Wherever I looked I could see the same strange grey walls, covered with fog. Suddenly, those walls changed into pictures. I came closer to one of them and I was surprised I could see myself when I was 6. Then I changed into “Bad Jane” going to high school. I saw Connor…My Connor…Then I saw my mother and a tear fell flew from my eye. I could hear her screaming at me when I was late for school or when I had detention every day. Then I saw Madness killing them all. Only I and Connor were still alive, kept in Madness’s cages. I saw that terrible moment when Connor was killed by Madness in an electric chair. I heard that Madness said to me when I wanted to kill myself and go in Heaven, searching for the people I loved. He said he loved me…He kissed me to demonstrate that...Then he broke somehow my heart saying he didn’t love me at all. I saw Jase and I screamed when I saw the scene when I was transformed. Then I saw myself torturing Madness and I realized I was crying of pain but why? Then I saw Jase trying to kill me. I hoped this memory will end but I was absolutely surprised to see the moment when I was unconscious. I could see Madness and Jase, shouting one at each other. I heard the question Jase asked my weak body and I slapped myself saying “stupid!” when I saw I raised my left hand and pointed Madness. I saw Jase leaving then the memory stopped and the pictures disappeared. I fell on the floor, crying for what I’ve done in my life and I screamed:

“I don’t have anyone!” I said then I covered my face with my hands: “I don’t want to die!”

Five minutes passed then the hole world started to shake and I screamed scared:

“Save me!”

Suddenly, a bright light lit the fog and I saw one man entering in that world. He looked familiar to me. I stood up and I looked at him, then I said it again:

“Save me, please, I beg you! I don’t want to die!”

And he did.


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