[005] Alliances and Australia

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I got back to our floor quickly, in a flurry of disappointment after my private training session.

It was never meant to go that well, I was meant to follow Johanna's tactic and end up with a low score, a 4 or 5. Anything higher and it would be standard for a girl of my age, I'd fly under the radar, not a bad thing to happen, but not ideal. I wanted people to assume I was hopeless, not ordinary.

I found my team huddled around the television, chatting quietly before turning their heads as I entered.

"How did it go darling?" Allisa asked with a bright smile, "Scores should be out in a few hours."

I opened my mouth, ready to tell them that it went well... too well. instead no words spilled out, the lump in my throat creeping forwards as I grew breathless and my skin grew clammy.

"You okay darling? your looking a bit green?"

Not even Allisa's silly accent could break me out of my panic, my chest tightening as my palms grew slick with sweat. How could I be so stupid? I should've just sat there and twiddled my thumbs for fifteen minutes! The tightness in my throat was at the entrance to my mouth now, knowing what was coming next I turned to my chamber doors, running towards my bathroom as I felt the bile come up in my throat.

It fell onto the cold tile as the rancid aftertaste grew in my mouth, gagging uncomfortably as my body was trying to eject the food that I had not eaten. 

To be honest I was surprised it hadn't happened earlier. 

Stepping over the puddle I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing the toilet paper after I washed my mouth out at the sink.

I wanted to cry, not only had I completely ruined my training I had also embarrassed myself infront of my entire team. Johanna, Aspen, Allisa... even my silly little prep team who had seen so much of me I was stunned could even be on my list. 

The avoxes quickly stopped my attempt at cleaning my mess, pointing me towards my plush bed instead as I followed their instructions, slipping under the silk sheets as tears began cascading down my face.

I didnt even attempt to stop them, letting the rivulets trail down my nose as they landed on the white sheets turning a small spot a shade of grey.

Eventually, after crying my heart out I had an epiphany. Slipped in-between my soft silk sheets I finally came to the conclusion that none of it mattered. My score, my outfits, my allies. None of it mattered unless I had a strategy, and so far I hadn't been so successful in that department.

When I made it out to the dining room I found Bentley sitting at the table with our mentors, looking quite proud of himself.

"Finish sulking?" Johanna asked with a slightly humorful tone, "you cant do that in the arena y'know?"

"you did," I shot back, "I remember watching you crying for hours."

Johanna's games had been particularly brutal one. Her arena was a rocky terrain, filled with rapid waterfalls that swept up many unsuspecting victims. I remember both district 7 tributes being in the final 4, Ronnie I think his name was got hung from one of Johanna's snares, pecked by stray birds for hours until Johanna found him... put him out of his misery.

She scoffed, shaking her head, "you wait until you get in there," she assured me, "You make your first kill and you'll understand how difficult it is."

I was quiet. She was right of course, she knew better than me anyway.

"So how bad was it?" Aspen asked with a small frown, "if you were that torn up about it?"

I shrugged, "I threw some spears around, landed a few shots."

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