0. prologue

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The sun had barely begun to rise over the naval base as Jasmin Jones stood at attention in her commanding officer's office. The years in the military had made her tough, and the familiar weight of her captain's bars sat proudly on her shoulders. She'd seen combat, led missions, and navigated the unpredictable tides of war. But something about today felt different. Colonel Mason, a man she deeply respected, stood behind his desk, his sharp eyes fixed on her.

"Captain Jones," he began, his voice steady and commanding, "I've got something for you. It's not a promotion, and it's not another mission. It's... an opportunity."

Jasmin raised an eyebrow. She wasn't one for cryptic speeches. "Sir?"

Colonel Mason smiled faintly, walking around to face her more directly. "There's a unit within the FBI, a special team. The Behavioral Analysis Unit—BAU for short. Ever heard of it?"

Jasmin shook her head. "Can't say I have, sir."

"They specialize in profiling criminals. Getting into their heads, understanding how they think, why they do what they do. It's not just tactics or brute force. It's using your mind to break down theirs."

The idea sounded foreign to her. "You want me to profile criminals?" she asked, her tone skeptical.

"Not just any criminals, Captain. The worst of the worst. Serial killers, terrorists. These aren't people you can catch with just a badge and a gun. They're smart, unpredictable. They don't think like we do."

Jasmin's arms crossed over her chest, her military discipline flickering under the weight of doubt. "Sir, with all due respect, I'm a soldier. I lead missions, I strategize on the battlefield. Profiling? That's... not me."

Colonel Mason held her gaze, unflinching. "Actually, Captain, it is you. You've got a gift, Jones. That hyperacuity of yours? The way you see patterns no one else can? The way you anticipate the enemy's next move before they make it? That's exactly what the BAU needs. In fact, their team leader, Aaron Hotchner, specifically asked for you."

Jasmin blinked, taken aback. "Hotchner asked for me?"

Mason nodded. "He's seen your record. Your missions, your leadership, the way you handle pressure. He knows you're the perfect fit for his team."

She let the words sink in, but her gut reaction was still firm. "With all due respect, sir, I've spent years in the military. I'm not sure sitting around analyzing criminals is where I belong."

Colonel Mason leaned forward, his voice quiet but firm. "I know the military has been your life. But think about what you've done here. Every mission you've led, every time you've outsmarted the enemy, you weren't just relying on your training. You were profiling them, even if you didn't realize it. You're wired for this, Jones. You'd be wasting that gift if you didn't at least give it a shot."

Jasmin shifted, the hesitation still weighing heavily on her. "And if I don't take it?"

Mason gave her a long, steady look. "Then you'll continue to serve, just as you have. But I can tell you this, Captain: the BAU isn't just another job. It's a chance to save lives in a way you've never done before. This could be the next step in your career, a challenge unlike any you've faced."

She could feel the tug, but still resisted. "And if I fail?"

"You won't," he said simply. "But you'll never know if you don't try."

For a long moment, the room fell silent, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. Finally, Jasmin exhaled, her mind racing through possibilities. It wasn't the path she'd imagined, but maybe, just maybe, it was the one she was meant to take.

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