Chapter 20: Picking Teams

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Hey everyone!

Okay so I'm not spoiling anything, but I recently watched the Season 3 finale of Once Upon A Time, and I have to admit that season 3 is my favorite season so far.

It's probably because my ultimate shipment came true during the season. I'm pretty sure I died a little inside.

Anyways, onwards with the chapter!

~Lucy's POV~

We walked around the beach until we found a large enough area for a game of soccer.

The guys helped to draw the outlines of the field, and marked the goals with orange cones that Erza kept with her for some reason.

When we questioned her about why she had them, she just shrugged and replied, "I always carry them around with me. You never know when you need to mark something."

Although that made no sense, we decided not to argue with Erza's train of thought.

Once the field was set and ready to go, Mira clapped her hands together and smiled wickedly.

"Okay minna! Lisanna and I will be judging, along with the exceeds and the rest of you will be split into two groups," Mira explained.

"Wait." Laxus walked over to Mira and grabbed her hand, making the bartender blush. "If Mira isn't playing the game then neither am I. I'll help judge."

"Aww look who wants to spend time with his girlfriend!" Gray teased.

"S-Shut up. So what? She is my girlfriend." Laxus had hints on red on his cheeks. I was surprised that he didn't beat up Gray for that comment.

Mira cleared her throat. "A-Anyways, in group one will be..."

She paused and looked at Lisanna, who gave her sister a smile and a thumbs up.

That was never a good thing.

Smirking, Mira continued, "Gajeel, Levy, Natsu Lucy, Evyn, Spencer, and Liam."

"Why does he have to be on the same team as us?" Natsu pointed his finger at Evyn.

"Yeah, we can win without..." Gajeel stopped for a moment and glanced at Spencer, "others."

"The teams I decide are final! No complaints." Mira told them.

The two dragon slayers pouted. They were acting like two-year olds.

Evyn walked over to me and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"We're together!" He laughed cheerfully. I smiled at him.

Glancing at Levy, I saw her talking with Spencer. I then looked towards Gajeel and saw him glaring at Spencer like he was planning a murder.

My attention snapped back to Mira as she was announcing the second group. "Alright, so in the other group will be: Gray, Juvia, Romeo, Wendy, Jellal, Erza, and Lyon."

I could tell that Gray was trying to bite back a smile when he heard Juvia's name being called, but it wasn't working out.

Romeo and Wendy awkwardly smiled at each other with the thoughts of them being team mates. They looked adorable.

Jellal and Erza had already started planning what they would do to celebrate their win as if it was guaranteed.

"I am so beating you Flame Freak," Gray informed Natsu.

"In your dreams Stripper. The only thing you'll be doing is staring at Juvia the entire game, because you li-"

Before Natsu got the chance to finish his sentence, he was punched in the stomach by Gray.

"What was that for!" Natsu complained.

"For you being an idiot!" Gray returned.

"What did you say Ice Princess?"

"You heard me!"

Gray and Natsu began an all out fist fight, but it didn't last long because Erza walked in between them and punched their heads, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Quit fighting!" The red-head ordered.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Mira rolled her eyes. "If you guys are done with your child-like behavior, may I announce the positions?"

She looked around and saw that everyone was silent, waiting anxiously.

"Alright for group one! Forwards: Natsu and Evyn. Midfielders: Gajeel and Spencer. And defense will be Lucy, Levy and Liam."

Levy and Liam walked over to me. "We can call ourselves 'Triple L'!" Liam suggested.

I couldn't help but laugh at the name. "I love it."

"Approved." Levy nodded, giggling.

Natsu walked over to where I was standing. "We're on the same team Luce! Just like our jobs!" He grinned at me.

But that grin was quickly broken when he noticed that Evyn and I were holding hands.

The two guys glared at each other. They were on the same team but I could tell that they would be competing against each other rather than the other team.

It was the same situation for Spencer and Gajeel, with poor Levy in the middle.

"For group 2, the forwards will be: Erza and Gray. Midfielders will be: Jellal and Romeo and in defense will be; Juvia, Lyon, and Wendy," Mira informed us.

Gray didn't seem too pleased that Lyon and Juvia would be in the same position, but he didn't dare complain with Mira standing right in front of him.

Erza walked over to Gray and gave him a pat on the back which seemed more like a punch because it caused him to fall face-first onto the sand.

A few moments later, we into our positions, Liam and Levy on either side of me.

"First to three goals wins!" Lisanna explained as she settled down on a nearby beach chair, along with Laxus and Mira.

The exceeds watched the players from above.

"Let the game begin!" Mira exclaimed.


Sorry for the shortness of this chapter! Don't worry though because I'll be updating again very soon. Hopefully.

Also, you may be thinking, "They're at the beach, so why would they play soccer?"

Well for one thing, soccer is my favorite sport, and also it makes the story different than it would be if they were going to play, say, volleyball.


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