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February 13, 1981

A pale, blonde lady gently smiles down at the two newborns.

One had strands of blonde hair while the other had black. She guessed that the second born, the one with black hair, had gotten such color from her family's side of genes. It wasn't worrying, she'd accept her child no matter what. Xenophilius was quickly becoming fond of them too, she could see it in his eyes.

The man noticed her staring and looked at her, a gentle smile on his face, too. "My dear Pandora, what will they be named?" He asked, turning his attention back to the babies.

The lady- no, Pandora, thought about it. The first born reminded her of how much she loved the moonlight when in her darkest times. It was mesmerizing, just like the blonde haired baby that slept quietly. "She'll be Luna, Luna Lovegood." Pandora placed a kiss on the forehead of her first born.

"Luna Lovegood," Xenophilius tested the name, "It's a beautiful name that you chose, what about him?" He poked at the chubby cheek of the second born.

Pandora hummed and thought again. The black haired infant did not cry, so unlike his older sister, and yet, they were so alike. There was a scar-like birthmark on his forehead, it vaguely reminded her of the killing curse. But his black strands, they were messy and dark, just like.. "Hadrian Lovegood." She said out loud.

"Hadrian.." Xenophilius repeatedly in thought, "It fits him, my love,"

"I'm glad you like them." She chuckled and leaned down to press a kiss onto the peculiar birthmark. Her son shifted in response, but did not cry. Pandora hoped that he ended up in a place where he would belong in the future.

Luna Lovegood And Hadrian Lovegood.

Xenophilius stared down at the babies who wore the name. His children, his flesh and blood.

Pandora, his beautiful wife, gave birth to them a few hours ago. She was currently laying on their shared bed with the twins in her arms. He sat down on a chair that was next to the bed. Silently, he watched with unknown emotions at the sight in front of him.

Luna had strands of blonde hair while Hadrian's is black. Luna is the oldest, while Hadrian is the youngest. Luna's forehead was bare, while Hadrian's held a birthmark - one that reminded him too much of a certain curse - Luna is a baby girl and Hadrian is a baby boy.

Together they were like yin and yang.

He wouldn't care about the black hair, his beloved's family also contained black hair. Xenophilius was not worried, no. The twins were like a gift given to him from his Pandora. He will treasure them greatly, no matter what.

And oh,

That was what the unknown emotions were; Love, love for his children, his family, and he welcomed them with a smile. He'll make sure they don't get separated. They are a perfect family, one that he's dreamt of with his Pandora for awhile now, and it'll come true he'd make sure of it.

A delightful feeling washed over him when Pandora kissed their foreheads. Now, if only he also got one..

He'll have to remember to ask later, for now, he just wants to enjoy the once in a lifetime moment with his most loved.

Xenophilius saw red.

Everything was going well. Today was Luna and Hadrian's ninth birthday and Pandora decided to go on a family picnic. They were having a lovely day. It could of- it could have gone well, if only..

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