What am I doing with my life - 2 week holiday edition

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School holidays have started 24th September

I have that damn Sailor Song stuck in my head

I meet more people online - and they either ghost me, weird me out, are surprisingly nice, make me rethink life a little, share cute moments, vent, overall be human

It makes me feel less absurd, less out of place, like everything is fine because we'll get through it.

I was never one to loath or lament outwardly nor even write about that- they go into the voice messages in notes to myself, I like how I sound. 

OK, singing is a little awkward, but whatever ;)

I never use winky faces- but I'll keep that typo in because it seems thematically acceptable.

More people, oh more people, I am seeing all the viewpoints, my uncle says I might end up polarised, but I'm just viewing all sides with an open mind to analyse- I do that with most things and it's mostly a blessing. 

I love my life, the comfort, the stability, but it seems a like I'll transcend out of it soon, everything is changing, the flows of space and time or whatever, so we're all living in the moment

I like this moment, I want to keep it in a little chronosnow globe or something- yeah. This is nice

Y'know.. I don't not believe in God, but it doesn't mean I can't find the song catchy af
It's a good song and if people can be silent over slurs in covers people can just hum that line

Yeah I read the bible I didn't finish it fully but I know most of it not by heart but by oh yeah I remember lot looked over and saw his wife turned into salt, or yeah.. that is interesting that parable about lost sheep. There's that book with the guy who got tested a lot Amen to that, Job. Revelations was haunting and I think psalms are nice. Some of the stuff probably sounded so different originally and I have a lot of time spent on looking at the debates.
Also a lot of the children's bibles are illustrated? Like that's pretty nice

I wasn't exactly raised devout but there's the pray X time of day and it's like venting I guess, tell everything to the worry tree, speak directly without going to the confessional although that does work pretty good apparently? I never really go..

Do I agree with religion?

Do I think it should mix with politics?

Definitely NOT, that's disturbing, theocracy is one of my fears. Mostly because of the inevitable false prophet I guess, but also the lack of rights for X group.
Sure one group of people would be happy but to take over the role of the dieties themselves to enforce them improperly? Things can be misheard, misread, mistakenly pronounced. Just so much miscommunication from scripture to edict.

Democracy where the people vote for someone to represent their area and interests to then vote for the person who runs the whole country / becomes main figure seems to work until people just serve their political party and try be leader and all that, but they can get voted out anyways in the next election cycle. I think I like this system, people can wait it out and nobody gets to serve for too long. Everyone interested has a chance of making it there, and assassination on someone won't hinder it too bad imo. It's worse when a dictator dies and then the military government happens and tries taking over more things OR their child comes in unprepared.

Puppet leaders are scary because of the shadows behind them
A ruler who insists on doing everything by themselves is either good or really fucking bad
A small family doesn't seem fair for members who want out or people who want in without marriage
If nobody rules then a lot of people will try and fight for control without laws
A group of elitely trained people who balance each other out would be good as long as they keep their heads and dignity for the people
If only laws rule then people will look for loopholes and when they are outdated the revising, editing, removing could be hard if the language used is too old but this could work?
One giant mob might take forever to decide and the loudest most active people probably get the best deal
Where majority rules could be great unless you are a minority [especially if they want to remove rights]
When a minority rules the majority are unhappy
Where money rules then corruption is much more likely and those rich easily come into power despite skill

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