Three\\ Chapter

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   I sat in class, leaning all my weight onto one hand as I doodled mindlessly in my notebook. Math was always my worst class, to the point I honestly just gave up. Usually I made doodles or drawings, read or something. I never dared take a nap, Henry also being in this class with me and I did not trust him in the slightest. Last thing I needed was to fall asleep and he accidentally trips and stabs a pencil in my back. Not happening. No. So despite how tired I was I forced myself to stay awake. My doodle soon took actual shape, the shape surprising me some as I stared at the page in a daze. The eyes that still plagued my mind has started to seep out into real life, taking shape on the page I still couldn't bring myself to stop drawing. Adding as much detail as I could, trying to add the full depth the eyes held. Every time I thought I added enough, I'd pull back to realize it still wasn't enough. The eyes seemed to have so much depth to them, like they went to another world entirely.

   Before I realized I was done, staring admiringly at the eyes I had drawn. I'm good at drawing, I am. But what I drew seemed so beyond what I was capable of doing normally. It was like I was almost staring at them all over again just in black and white instead of color. I found myself aware of the real world once again, a strange feeling sitting in my chest as I saw something catch my attention from the corner or my eye. I turned slowly towards the windows beside me, now staring at a red balloon that floated perfectly beside me. The trees moved with the wind but for some reason the balloon did not move.

   I turned back to the rest of the class, no one seemed to notice the floating object, much less notice its oddity in being there. I look back sharply as the balloon moves, turning to see it slowly inching closer to the window, closer to me. Naturally I started to feel uneasy, the closer it neared the more I felt unsettled. It wasn't natural, the balloon was defying all laws of gravity.

   My heart slowly increased as I waited anxiously, I knew a balloon couldn't hurt me. It was a balloon, just a balloon, and I was protected by the window.. right..?

   I jolted back harshly, standing up reactively as the balloon exploded, blood splattering against the window with full force. So much force, I thought the window would crack, and the flood would fill the classroom and drown us all.

"Emma!? Is something the matter?" I look to the front of the class from the sudden brought of attention, the teacher and the class staring at me like I suddenly grew two heads. My mouth opened to speak, looking back at the window that blood dripped down and covered. They.. they can't see it? How can they not see it??

"Th-..uh. I. I gotta use the restroom." I looked between the teacher and the window, flabbergasted even that none of them would even look to acknowledge the blood. No one noticed the darkness it casted over the classroom as it blocked the light from entering. But as quickly as the balloon was to burst blood across the windows and cast darkness, as was it to suddenly disappear in a blink of an eye. The blood that streaked the windows was no longer covering the window. The classroom was brighter, the trees didn't look blood soaked as I almost did a double take when noticing this. Staring in disbelief as everything was again how it was. The balloon trying to play questions on my sanity.

"Go. Maybe the walk will snap you from this little daydream of yours." She points, shaking her head disapprovingly while looking back down to her book. She continues with class as I slowly slip out, not wanting to believe I had just imagined the whole thing. It can't be in my head, that was.. I heard the balloon pop. I heard the splatter, I felt the force behind! They're the fucking crazy ones! Absolutely blind. Or maybe you are crazy. Maybe you're dead. Maybe Belch really did hit me, and I'm dead now. And this is just some weird version of hell. My hell...

   I slowly strolled down the long empty hallway, in case you couldn't tell, I didn't actually need to use the restroom. So what better way to spend this time than to question my sanity? I couldn't possibly have just.. that was all too real. But how could something so real, just suddenly disappear? Literally in a blink of an eye.

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