Eight\\ Chapter

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I get home, greeted with a crushed can upside the head and a belch.

"So, the fuck were you today?" He doesn't bother looking up from the tv as I made my way for the kitchen.

"Rode my bike." I answer openly, this way it was easier to guild it depending on where he was going with this. I set my bag down on the table, opening the fridge to start supper before he got hangry.

"Rick said he saw you in town.. Went to the library. The fuck you goin' there fer?" This is why I left it open.

"Got bored, got a book to read. Nothing fancy, just some from stuff our teacher recommended so we can become fully educated adults. I don't know, I thought she was full of it too but, I want to make sure I do good my final year." I decided to play it cool, trying to be on his side knowing he'd find it bullshit. He grumbled at the teachers ridiculous homework, but said Id better do it regardless; because no daughter of his is going to be a fucking numb nut, well, that's his nicer version.

"And bring me a damn beer! Only been waiting since you got home." He finishes, and I take a pause from cooking to obey his demand before resuming. Luckily that night I was fortunate enough to go to bed with zero difficulties. Though, the same thing couldn't be said about my dreams. This dream was different, instead of being in the vast void, either having to refuse facing the creature from the well or being forced to look down to face it, trying to escape its hold on me; whatever- I was somewhere else, a dark tunnel, every so often a light coming from above as I was forced to walk the murky wet passage. A sense deep down striking me as I walked cautiously, as to where I was but I tried hard to ignore that thought. I didn't want to be there, there was absolutely no need for me to be there; still, the thought of me being in the sewers haunted my mind. Wondering just how the fuck on earth I got there, and why.

   Eeriness lingered in the air, the coldness creeping up even though I knew I was dreaming. I look around frantically as I sloshed down into wetness, an instant fear washing over me as I feared the liquid I was in. Or rather; what's in the wetness with me. I preposterously came up with ludicrous scenarios, an alligator chomping down on me, a cellar dweller that's going to pop up and eat my fucking face. I rushed back onto the flat bit of land I was on before, wondering why it was so dark in the area I was in and where the next opening was going to show.

   I pushed myself away from the water I fell in, hastily wiping my face as my mind ran rampant. My hands walked with the wall, using that as a guild. A chill courses up my spine, a whisper reaching out and licking my ear with malice. Scenarios once again started playing out in my mind, afraid to go any further forward but also scared to turn my back on the darkness.

   I step back, slowly retreating backwards when suddenly there's a raspy snarl. It sounded right in front of me, mere inching from my face. The human fear of impending death consumed me, the hairs on my neck raising as I turn heel and ran. The snarl sounds out again, more deafening then the last as it sounded like it was following me. A footless thudding as if being chased following it; invoking further fear from me as there was something unseen chasing me. There was nothing that terrified me more than the unknown: knowing it meant harm but couldn't see whatever the fuck it was only ignited the utmost heart rate inducing fear. 

   I dashed in fright away, my hand not leaving the way to guild me. The light from before not coming back at all, making me think maybe, for some reason, somehow, I had taken a turn somewhere; got turned about. But I knew I hadn't, I had gone in the direction I came in but for some reason light was refusing to shine and provide me any guidance. I finally found light, a break of light at the way end of the tunnel, hope inducing me to go faster. I trip, landing painfully in a tumble, my eyes locking on what had tripped me; it was my sketchpad. Right there as if never been touched before much less be in the nasty sewers I had deduced I was in. The area before me that was lightened was now being encroached with darkness, coming at me with an alarming rate. I tense, my blood turning to ice as I internal panic; I didn't fear death but, knowing you were about to die was still pretty fucking terrifying.

   I awake with a start, fighting off whatever it was that was coming at me, only to be met with empty air. My vision clearing up as light began to fill my retinas. I was home, in bed, waking up; alive. I was alive. But still, I can't help but recoil from the edge of the bed, my head rapidly searching the room for what was coming to attack. Nothing. Again I was met with nothing, although, I guess I shouldn't say nothing. I was met with something, sitting on my desk, something about it standing about prodominently. I slink off the bed, inching towards the table that held what my eyes were fixated on. It was my notepad.. I flip through it suddenly, flipping through it fastidiously, something washing over me as I view flabbergasted by the condition of it. It was in perfect condition, not a stain or wrinkle in sight.

"I'm loosing it. Seriously fucking loosing it..!" A chuckle slipped despite there being zero humor behind it, my hands coming up and scrunching my hair as I stare.

"I knew I was a few screws loose but this..?!" I laughed out more, tears wanting to slip with it but supress it as I glance around the room in vexation. I sniffle as I straighten my posture, rushing to my closet for clothes and changed speedily before grabbing my bag and leaving. I sneak past my father, who had the day off, snoring away while watching his morning soaps; although you ask him about any other man watching it and he'd say they'd be some cocksucking qu-

   I rush out to my bike, briskly making my way for the barrens. I slid my bike to a stop, at first so determined to enter before I enter the opening. I falter, turning my back midstep.  Trying to convince myself it's not actually some sewer monster.. Convincing my brain of other theories. Don't be a coward.. There's not actually some sewer monster.. There's probably just some cokehead junked out that's been murdering while in a fit.. Or, or something does live down there, lurking for its pray ev-

   I force myself to stop thinking, anything but what I was as it started to feel a little to real, some reason a stomach tightening fear emerging as I tried to bring myself to enter the sewer opening. Convincing myself that it was all just because of my nightmares I've been so worked up.. but still I couldnt bring myself to enter. Directing myself as I let my eyes wander. Instead I walk my bike up the trail to the left. Stopping it and continueing on foot before coming to the hidden little paradise.

   I slump back onto the grass, staring at the sun that elegantly break through the tree tops above. A flock of birds flying past before heaving myself up from the spot, pulling about my sketch stuff I'd thrown in before leaving and resuming the drawing from yesterday. This time adding the shading and nitpicky detail. I finish, starting a new one right after as my brain was still to focused to give up; this time of the well. I barely scratched the surface of it before I noticed it was getting dark, making my way home for the day. It was odd, my notebook being in perfect condition. I tried not to think about it suddenly appearing, trying to play it off like, maybe it was a different book that had fallen, but there was none missing. No other book was gone from my collections that I could recall, none from my actual possession, none I forgot to return to school.. none.

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