Magic Pixie Dust

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When Jasmine had woken up the next morning, Stiles was gone. 

Turning over and checking her phone, she smiled as she noticed the boy had left her a text message, letting her know he had gone. 

Sending him a brief response, she began to think about last night and what she had seen in the library.

She couldn't help the panic that began to rise as she remembered the events that had occurred less than twentyfour hours ago. 

She wasn't brave and was left wondering how had friends had been so.

She wondered how they slept at night knowing what lurks in the shadows of the small town. And although Stiles had given her so many answers, she still had so many questions. 

Who was controlling Jackson? How was her family involved with the Argents? Why did she keep having flashes and dreams of the Kanima? And why was she this way?

She didn't even know where to begin to find any sort of answers for the last two questions, the rest, she knew would come in time. Her friends seemed to have a good grasp on the situation, and she had no doubt that they would figure it out and "save the town".

Her head began to hurt as she continued to press herself for answers to her inquiries. 

Massaging her temples, she compartmentalized her thoughts, forcing them to the back of her mind before moving on. 

Although Jasmine thought that she was somewhat of a good person, a part of her couldn't understand why her friends had made it their responsibility to save the day. 

So what if Scott was a werewolf and Allison's family were hunters. This big of a burden shouldn't be theirs to shoulder. 

They had other responsibilities- school. And it seemed as if day by day, their teenage-hood was being ripped right from underneath them.

But maybe Jasmine wasn't written to be the heroine in the story of Beacon Hills. Maybe her friends were. 

Scott definitely was. He was certainly the self righteous type. And Allison and Stiles would do anything for their friend, Jasmine knew that. 

But she also knew she couldn't possibly begin to understand the stress they must feel holding the lives of others in the palms of their hands. And maybe that's what motivated them. 

They had knowledge of everything occurring behind the surprisingly thin vail of the supernatural world. And by knowing that inaction would costs countless lives, they were forced to take action.

As she continued to ponder, her mind drifted back to her parents. 

She wondered if they had any of the answers to her questions. 

Allison's family knew of the anthropomorphic creatures that roamed the town. Did her parents know as well? If so, what else could they be hiding from her? 

Unluckily for her, her parents weren't home. They had been gone for a few days, away on a work trip. So the interrogation would have to wait. Jasmine was too scared to ask them anyways. 

Filled with anxiety and confusion, Jasmine forced herself to get up and get ready for the day. 

She was showering like normal when that fuzzy feeling began to tickle her brain. Knowing all too well what that meant, Jasmine steadied herself before the flashing began. 

It was a paralyzing feeling. She could feel her body go ridged, her lungs not even moving to take in breath. She was frozen in time all the while the future played before her eyes.  

Dreams to Reality | Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now