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When I can't find you, I'm lost

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When I can't find you, I'm lost

Now in the sky I find myself

Dancing with your hands

Take me with you, darling

Give me back you, darling

Please come back darling


The two men, wearing black attire and holding umbrellas over their heads, watched from afar. Their eyes were fixated on the man in a black suit, who was kneeling Infront of the grave.

"Aren't you feeling upset that your brother has passed away?" Jungkook ask in a low voice. The pitter-patter of the rain continued in the backdrop.

"A life full of suffering is better than death." Yoongi remarked, his eyes still staring straight ahead.

"I looked into your background, but there was no evidence of Taehyung being your brother." Jungkook inquired, his curiosity piqued. He was aware that it wasn't the appropriate place for such questions, but he couldn't help himself from asking, nonetheless.

"My mother was married to a wealthy man, and I was left to live with my grandmother." Yoongi revealed. "As it turns out, my mother had not been legally married to that man. The marriage papers were falsified."

"The man's sole aim was to have a child with my mother and then discard her afterwards, so my mother snatched Taehyung and fled." Yoongi explained, his voice tinged with bitterness.

The wide-eyed look on Jungkook's face held no trace of judgment, only deep sadness for Yoongi's circumstances.

"She hid Taehyung in an orphanage, keeping her connection to him secret yet close. As she lay dying, she told me 'Yoongi-ah, I leave my child to you, Taehyung is now your responsibility.'" Yoongi gripped his hands tightly as he recalled the memory of his dying mother's plea.

"I harbored anger and resentment towards him for a long time, my heart filled with jealousy because my mother had placed him above me in her affections. Even in her final moments, her last words were not for me, but for him." Yoongi confessed his hatred towards Taehyung and Jungkook had no words.

"On a certain day, I made a decision to visit him, laying aside my anger. Yet, as I stood there watching, I realized that his situation was even more fucked up than my own." Yoongi said, his voice barely a whisper. Jungkook wince knowing that Taehyung's misery was because of his dead father.

"And here we are, everything is settled now!" A soft smile graced Yoongi's lips, but Jungkook could see the glimmer of tears in his eyes, indicating the depth of his emotions.

Without uttering another word, Jungkook let the umbrella fall to the ground and embraced the older man in a tight hug, offering comfort through quiet solidarity.

The ache in Jungkook's heart grew stronger as he thought of Eliana. He wondered what sin she had committed to have been taken from this world, and he knew that his life would never be the same without her.

Jungkook knew that he had failed to protect her and could not bring her justice. But even though she had forgiven him, he would forever carry the burden of guilt within his heart.

Yoongi gently pat Jungkook's shoulder, silently acknowledging that it was the younger one who needed the comforting embrace, not him. (Lmao T T)



The memory of her small, delicate hands came to mind, and how she would innocently press her fingers against any part of my body that I told her was hurting.

When she would grow tired, she would look up at me with weary yet hopeful eyes and ask if the pain has gone.

Were those delicate hands buried under this dirty mud?

Would I never hear her calling me brother again?

Will I never see her smile again?

The pain in my heart grows as if someone is clenching it cruelly in their grasp. I don't know whether it was rain or the tears that had blurred my vision.

The one person who had been the reason for everything in my life was now buried six feet under the earth, and I wondered how I would ever find forgiveness.

"Mom!" I whispered, "I've failed to keep my promise to you."

The floodgates of my emotions burst open, and I wept uncontrollably, my body shaking with the force of a child's crying as I rested my head where I had just buried her a moment ago.

"Please forgive me, forgive your brother, Eliana." The pain in my heart was so intense that I didn't care about my own identity or reputation anymore, all I could do was cry out for her forgiveness.

" The pain in my heart was so intense that I didn't care about my own identity or reputation anymore, all I could do was cry out for her forgiveness

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"The end!" said Jimin.

The child whined in front of him, not sleepy at all.

"Dad! Why did you tell me a sad story?" Jimin chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"It's not just a story; it's a part of my life."

"What about the boy?" the little one asked his father.

"He was lost in the darkness. He was scared of it at first, but since he was pushed into it, he made the darkness his friend." Jimin said caressing his son's head.

"And the girl?" the little boy asked again.

"Her? She was his light." Jimin said and smiled as he remembered his sister.

"Appa, was she the sun?" the boy asked innocently, looking up at his father.

"No, Juwon. She was the moon in his darkness."


Moonfication: First of all, Thank you so much for 4k! I wanted to do something special for this, so I thought of writing an epilogue and locking this story forever! I love you!

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