Act2: chapter 29

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February 1956

The day had finally come, and Ava was beyond excited. She was sitting in her chair, her tail wagging a mile a minute. Orion was running around the room looking at every shiny surface he could find. Something that she wanted to do but she had to stay in her chair. She was wearing her best dress, a red and white polka dotted number, with a matching bow in her hair.

The palace was a beautiful sight. The large white marble walls and columns were breathtaking. Not to mention the beautiful red velvet curtains, and red and gold rugs. Even the paintings were stunning, she couldn't help but look at them. The artist that painted them must have been an angel.

The entire interior was decorated in a very regal manner. It was like something from a fairytale.
Her gaze was drawn back to the large doors in front of her.

Soon. Soon the doors would open and she would finally meet the seven deadly sins. Ava felt her stomach flip. What if they hated her? What if they thought she was too young, and refused to help.

She gripped her skirt, and took a deep breath.
No, no. She had to have confidence. Her Uncle Luci said they were excited to meet her. So she had nothing to worry about.

Orion ran over, climbing onto her lap.
"Aww, is someone worried?" Ava asked, picking him up.
Orion nodded, burying his face in her chest.
"I'm fine Orion. Don't worry, okay. Uncle Luci promised that everything would go great."
"And he's a man of his word. So you have nothing to fear. " Lucifer said, entering the room.
"Uncle Luci!"

"Hello, sweetheart. Ready to meet the Sins?" Lucifer asked, walking over.
"Yes, but I'm also a little nervous." Ava admitted, looking at the ground.
"Oh, no need. They are going to adore you. Don't worry."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Now come along. It's time."

Ava and Orion followed Lucifer down the hall. She clutched the plush close, her anxiety growing with each step. Orion gave a soft grunt as she squeezed him.
The trio walked down a long corridor, the red carpet muffling their footsteps. Finally, they stopped at a set of large double doors.

"Are you ready?"
Ava looked at the doors, and swallowed.

Lucifer smiled and pushed the doors open. The pair walked in, and the doors closed behind them.

Inside was a large circular table, with seven chairs. The two chairs on the far left were small, while all of the others were big and grand. In the middle of the room was a large throne. On the throne sat Lilith.

The queen of hell, dressed in a black and red gown, greeted her with a warm smile. In each of the seats were all the sins. Pride, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, Lust, and Gluttony.

The Seven deadly sins.
"There you are my little spawn. For a moment I thought my darling husband whisked you away somewhere. Come here." Lilith said, gesturing her over.

Ava smiled and walked over, Orion still clutched tightly to her chest. She couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her lips as Lilith reached out and picked her up, placing her on her lap.

"Is this the little ankle biter you've been yappin on about, Lulu? She don't look like much to me." A giant spider looking man in a jester's outfit snorted, leaning back in his chair. There was a squeak of excitement from Orion as he stared up at the large jester sin. The man puffed up at the obvious amazement of his form. Which only caused the others to groan.
"Yeah. The runt is nothin' special." A large sea creature snickered.

"Now, now. She may be small but she's very sweet. Ava dear, allow me to introduce the seven deadly sins. Mammon." Lilith said, pointing to the spider man.
"Hey kid." Mammon grunted, a slight grin on his face.

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