Howl of Hope: The Werewolf's Journey

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In the hush of the moon's soft light,
A teenage boy wrestles with fright,
Underneath the silver's beam,
He's bound by a dark, tormenting dream.

A werewolf's curse, a howl so deep,
In the quiet night, where shadows creep,
Transformation's toll, a heavy chain,
Leaves his heart in ceaseless pain.

Lost a friend to fear's cruel hand,
A friend who couldn't understand,
His monstrous form, the terror it spread,
Left him weeping by the bed.

Crying out in the still of night,
His soul torn by the ongoing fight,
Shadows dance upon his tear-streaked face,
In the mirror, he searches for grace.

Yet in the depths of his despair,
A revelation breaks through the air,
This curse, once seen as bitter plight,
Is a power cloaked in the darkest night.

He soon perceives the truth so clear,
His transformation holds no fear,
But a gift to wield against the tide,
A chance to turn the cruel aside.

With strength that roars from deep within,
He rises up, his journey to begin,
To fight the battles, dark and grim,
Where justice falters and hopes grow dim.

In moonlit forms, his power shines,
A beacon where the darkness whines,
Ending cruelty with a fierce resolve,
In shadows deep, his courage evolves.

His claws, a symbol of the fight,
Against the forces of the night,
He battles on with every breath,
To conquer pain and vanquish death.

No longer lost in midnight's snare,
He finds his purpose in the air,
A savior cloaked in fur and might,
To bring the dawn and end the night.

With each howl and every stride,
He channels hope and turns the tide,
For in his heart, a truth does soar,
That power lies in what's ignored.

From tears of grief to strength of flame,
He fights to mend the world's great shame,
A werewolf's curse now turned to grace,
To heal the world, to find his place.

No more the boy who wept alone,
He stands as one with strength full-grown,
To end the darkness, heal the pain,
And forge a world where hope will reign.

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