Chapter 18: The Prophecy

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I ended up having to ask Ned if Leo had left for California, and he confirmed that he had. It was funny how only a month ago, I thought I might be spending New Year's Eve with Leo. Instead I was sitting on my couch all alone as I petted Pooh Bear. He snuggled up close to my side, since he could tell that I needed the emotional support. I decided to put the ball drop in Times Square on roughly half an hour before midnight. I had just gotten out of the shower after having a shift at Bob Evan's most of that day. I was starting to get my mind off of things when it was nearly time for the brand new year. I did the countdown with Pooh Bear, hugging him afterwards as I giggled. He tried to lick my face as I moved just in time, my smile falling when I saw a short clip of a familiar person. Leo was in the crowd, and he was kissing a girl that appeared to be a young model. I didn't want to believe that he had moved on so quickly, but there was no way to know if it was just a fling or a one time date. Once I snapped back to reality, I shut the television off and just leaned my forearms on the counter in my kitchen. I ended up crying for a good forty minutes before going straight to bed. Pooh Bear didn't leave my side once, which normally he would walk around during the night, but anytime I woke up he was still there. I was destroying myself as I kept reading the latest articles on Leo and Vittoria all throughout January. The only people to help me snap out of it were my co-workers, but even their comforting words didn't help. It made it even more difficult that I couldn't admit it was the Leonardo DiCaprio with most of them. When my birthday rolled around on January 14th, my co-worker Abby insisted on taking me to my favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrel.

"Come on, you can't pine over him for forever," she sadly pointed out after we placed our orders. "It's your birthday and I got you a present."

"You shouldn't have. I didn't get anything for your birthday," I reminded her.

"Yeah, but we were barely acquaintances back then."

"It's really beautiful. Thank you." I weakly smiled as I admired the diamond bow necklace.

"I thought since you wear bows in your hair all the time, you might like it. I thought it was really cute."

"It is. I just..." I touched the cold key pendant against my neck, not wanting to remove it.

"It's time for you to take that off, Brielle. You can keep it for the memories, but wearing it only reminds you all the time of him."

"I know..." I still couldn't bring myself to switch out the jewelry, lowering my head in shame.

"Why is it so hard for you to let go? Maybe if you knew that it would help to solve the problem."

"Because he was my dream, Abby. He wasn't perfect in person, but he was all I ever wanted. He was special and felt like an everyday dream to be with. It's not the same being with a normal guy," I confessed as I bit my lower lip.

"I understand. Well, whenever you are ready, you can put my necklace on, so that it won't feel weird not wearing one at all, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded with a mustered smile.

Abby ended up dropping me off at my house after we shopped in the store for awhile. I waved to her as I saw that Ned's vehicle was pulling into his driveway then too. I started up my walkway to my front door, but felt puzzled when I heard two car doors slamming. I assumed Ned must have groceries in the backseat or something, but I slowly turned around anyway. I stood there completely frozen when I saw a familiar, tall silhouette with a baseball cap on. I couldn't dare to hope that it was the person I wished it to be. When he lifted his gaze though and those ocean eyes somehow met with mine, it was impossible for me to look away. I ached for him to come over, but he seemed to be hesitant. I gave up when he didn't move for minutes, just going into my house where Pooh Bear was barking like crazy and running around in circles. I think he had seen Leo through the window and was excited to see him back. I was confused though when he ran straight up to the door as I discarded my coat on my bed. That's when I heard a knock from the living room, cautiously going to answer it. Pooh Bear dashed outside so fast I couldn't catch him, but it was only to give Leo a proper greeting. He just kept jumping with his front legs against Leo's, barking for attention. Leo eventually leant down to pick him up, so that he would settle down, but his eyes always stayed on me.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back in California with Vittoria?" The name rolled off my tongue like bad sour candy.

"Probably, but I couldn't live like that anymore." He stepped inside since it was bitterly cold, me closing the door behind him.

"What do you mean," I slowly asked.

He released a sigh before setting Pooh Bear down, who ran off to get his favorite toy to show off.

"After I left you, Brielle, I just felt empty going back to my old life. I thought that's what I wanted to do for forever, party and date young, beautiful models, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. You changed me. I understand if you've changed too and don't want to give me a second chance. I really blew it with the most real love I've ever experienced." He sat down on the sofa nearby as I allowed his words to sink in.

"I was heartbroken when you left, you know. I've been wearing your necklace this whole time and missing you."

"I'm really sorry I hurt you, Brielle. That was never my intention."

I gradually nodded as I reluctantly sat beside him, Pooh Bear trying to get him to play tug of war, but Leo's attention was firmly on me.

"I would like to be with you again, but you have to be serious about us. You can't just change your mind on me again. I mean, life's a lot different around here than in California," I said.

"I know, that's why I wondered if you would like to come with me to California."

"What?" I just stared at him in shock before he explained further.

"I found out about this great company that's hiring people that work on computers. They focus on keeping their business environmentally friendly, and they would pay you far more than what you're making now."

"I... You know this is my dream house, my town... I don't know if I would feel comfortable in California. I mean, the job would be great, but..."

"You don't have to decide right away. I'll be here for at least a week," he reassured me.

"Could I keep my house down here? Would that be possible? Because I wouldn't mind living in California and here at different times..."

"Of course. And if your salary wouldn't cover it, I would make up the difference."

"You don't have to do that, Leo," I insisted.

"No, I want to, and I enjoy spending time here. I don't want you to completely say goodbye to this house either," he urged.

"Okay, then I'll go to California with you."

His entire face lit up as he pulled me in for a comforting embrace, the warmth feeling like I was finally home. "Don't worry about finding a place. You can either get one eventually or stay in my guest house, alright?"

"Alright," I giggled, pulling back far enough that our eyes were dancing between one another. I didn't let him glance down at my lips long before we were kissing. He soothingly ran his fingers through my hair as our mouths moved in perfect sync. When we pulled apart I had tears trickling down my cheeks, doing my best to laugh it off.

"Are you crying," he worriedly asked as he wiped away the tears with his thumbs.

"Yeah, but only because I'm so happy that we're together again. I would've waited for you longer than I'd like to admit."

"I'm glad I was bought to my senses so soon then. Would you like to go out for dinner?"

"Yeah," I slightly laughed, sniffling as I continued trying to compose myself. "What did you have in mind?"

Soon we were at Apple Bee's, only we couldn't bring Pooh Bear since it was too cold to eat outdoors. We were currently under a wind chill advisory, so it was best that he stayed home anyway. I smiled up at Leo after we put our orders in, already thinking about how I would have to say goodbye to Abby and everyone else at Bob Evan's. I knew they would be happy for me though, and I would be back in town eventually. I just couldn't stop admiring Leo as he did the same with me, and even with little to no words I knew that the prophecy of Leo never settling down had been broken. He wasn't doomed to be stuck in the same life hoping to stay forever young, just like I wasn't meant to end up forever alone.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. I enjoyed writing for this book a lot, but it was time to end it. I can't believe that I started this in May and now it's September. Lol. Anyway, thank you so much for all of the kind comments, reads, and votes on this. They mean a lot! <3 <3 <3

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