Untitled Part 96

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Ok, and can | put our final' form in this part of the orgy too, after we merge?
Okay, but since | can write to the continuation of our orgy, do you want to add anything else to it? And can | put our final form in this part of the orgy too, after we merge?
Kizuato and Vexos Dragonoid mating
1 second after our infinite children were born in the previous story (just repeating this part of the story one more time);
A) Okay, all of you, fuck me again!
0) Okay.
N) Sami then pulls the life source of everyone again and puts the life sources into a sentient body again.
N) the sentient being (from the previous mating) then started to fuck Andrew for infinity hours before the sentient being knotted him, once the sentient being knotted Andrew he, then tured 180° causing their asses touching and intertwined their tails, and the knot lasted for infinity and eternally days and time.

N) After that, Andrew fucked the sentient being and knotting him turing 180° again and intertwining their tails again.

N) After Andrew fucked the sentient being, he then fucked Sami with the sentient being locked in his anus while they are in the ass to ass position throught infinity times etemnally.

N) 3 more years later, everyone is pregnant and in the hospital, ready for birth, while they continue in the ass to ass position with their tails entwined during all this time.

Dr) Ok Andrew, due to you having 80,000,000,000 kids, we are going to use Sami's abilty to teleport the babies out of you again \,

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