Balcony Dinner date

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Author's pov:-

After placing the diary back in its spot, Ayurvati heard a familiar voice echoing through the quiet halls. Her husband was awake and already searching for her.

"Ayu, Lilly, where are you?" Parvateshwar's deep voice carried a hint of impatience, something she had grown used to in recent days.

Even the smallest moments without her in sight seemed to unsettle him. It had become a pattern his need to have her close, as if her presence alone anchored him.

Hurriedly, Ayurvati left the room, her heart racing as she heard his footsteps approaching. Just as she reached the corridor, Parvateshwar appeared, his face softening with relief the instant he saw her.

Without hesitation, he crossed the distance between them, wrapping her in his strong embrace.

"Where were you?" he murmured, pulling her tightly against his chest."Uffo, Prav," she laughed softly, trying to ease his tension. "I was just looking around this place."

She smiled up at him, feeling his breath settle as he held her.He loosened his hold slightly, though his arms stayed around her.

"Well, if you want to explore more," he teased, his voice dropping to that mischievous tone she knew all too well, "we can do that together."

Before she could react, his lips brushed against her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

The soft, playful bite he gave her made her gasp, her resolve weakening under his touch.

She was so close to giving in, as she always did, but she managed to slip out of his grasp just in time.

"Prav, not now," she said with a laugh, gently pushing him away.He sighed dramatically, though the smile on his face didn't fade.

"Then when, my love? You know what happens when you call me 'Prav' like that. I lose all control." His eyes gleamed with desire, clearly enjoying her flustered state.

She chuckled, shaking her head. "I know, but... I'm sore." Her voice softened at the end, hoping that would cool his playfulness for a moment.

He pouted, his lips forming a perfect childlike frown. "Okay, fine. We won't do anything. But... can I at least kiss you? And hug you? Please?" His voice was almost pleading, as if the idea of not being able to hold her was unbearable.

Ayurvati smiled warmly, opening her arms in invitation. He immediately wrapped her up in a hug, his face nuzzling into her neck like a contented child.

She felt his warmth, his love, and for a moment, everything felt perfectly right."I have a surprise for you, Prav," she whispered into his ear, a smile playing on her lips."For me?" His eyes lit up with curiosity, and she nodded.

"Yes, but you'll have to wait until tonight."His brow arched, and a teasing smirk spread across his face.

"Ohho, someone was just telling me they're sore," he said, his voice thick with suggestion.She playfully swatted his arm, laughing. "You are impossible!"

He pulled her closer, a glint of mischief still in his eyes. "And you are mine." She sighed, shaking her head with a grin. "Now, go do your work. I know you brought your work here... now go and finish it."

"Wait, aren't you upset that I brought work with me on our honeymoon?" he asked, sounding amused. Ayurvati smiled softly and shook her head. "No, because I know my husband is the Senapati, and he carries the responsibility of the entire nation's safety on his shoulders."

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