His Pheli Rasoi

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Ayurvati's Pov:-

The early morning sun brushed my face, nudging me from slumber with a reluctant groan.

Despite the persistent ache in my head, I resolved to freshen up. As I attempted to rise, a comforting weight on my stomach held me down.

Blinking sleep from my eyes, I saw my husband, my Senapati ji, with his hand resting gently on my stomach.

I was cocooned in his embrace, and we had been cuddling all night.

Oh my god, we had cuddled last night! A rush of warmth spread through me, goosebumps pricking my skin as memories of his tender care from the previous night flooded back.

He didn't see me as a burden,yes indeed I am his responsibility. Now, I am beginning to understand that now.

Yet, this realization only intensified the whirlwind of emotions inside me. I like him or you can say love him.

Admitting love felt monumental, but I couldn't deny my growing affection. I cherished our moments together, from the way he savored the meals I cooked to how attentively he listened to my stories.

I adored how he called me Ayu and valued his thoughts and opinions. In short, I loved everything about him.

But did he see me as more than just a responsibility? Would he ever love me for who I am? I didn't know, but I was determined to show him my feelings.

{As an author, I wanted to highlight the confusion and misinterpretation of one's thoughts. Ayurvati once heard Parvateshwar's views on marriage, and from that moment, she began to see herself as a burden to him. Despite his care and tenderness, these feelings of being a burden and merely his responsibility remained deeply ingrained in her subconscious mind.. }

Lost in these thoughts, I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his silky, voluminous hair, marveling at its smoothness.

Maybe I should ask him about his hair care routine, I mused with a smile.

Carefully, I decided to extricate myself from his hold. His hands were heavy, but I managed to slip away without waking him.

Before heading to the restroom, I gathered my courage, glanced to ensure he was still asleep, and pressed a gentle, loving kiss on his forehead.

This had become one of my favorite routines. Blushing furiously, I made my way to the restroom, my heart brimming with warmth and hope.


Parvateshwar's Pov:-

The first rays of the sun crept into our room, gently pulling me from my slumber.

As I opened my eyes, I realized that I had spent the night holding my entire world in my arms-my wife,who is peacefully snuggling against my chest.

A wave of contentment washed over me, a feeling which I wished I could hold onto forever.

Her serene face looked so angelic in the soft morning light, but I noticed the sun's rays beginning to bother her, making her eyes flicker in irritation.

Without thinking, I raised my palm to block the light, casting a shadow over her face. A small, relieved smile appeared on her lips, and I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

This was the best morning of my life, and I silently wished that I could wake up like this every day, with her in my arms.

As she began to stir, I carefully withdrew my palm and pretended to sleep, closing my eyes but remaining fully aware of her every movement.

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