☆ Chapter 12 ☆

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Under the Table

The evening is filled with the comforting aroma of home-cooked food as Darry and Soda pull out all the stops for a special dinner. The Curtis house is alive with the chatter of the gang, everyone gathered around the kitchen table, laughing and enjoying each other's company. There’s an air of camaraderie and warmth that makes this moment feel truly special.

You and Johnny are sitting next to each other, the buzz of conversation around you adding to the atmosphere. The table is piled high with delicious dishes, and Two-Bit’s jokes keep everyone laughing as he recounts a particularly ridiculous story.

“You gotta hear this one,” Two-Bit starts, gesturing animatedly with his fork. “So, I’m walkin’ down the street, right? And suddenly…”

Johnny’s hand brushes against yours as he reaches for a roll, and you both share a quick, knowing glance. The playful teasing from the gang, the warmth of the food, and the simple pleasure of being together make everything feel perfect.

As Two-Bit continues with his story, you find yourself leaning in closer to Johnny. You subtly reach under the table, your hand finding his. Johnny’s fingers curl around yours, and you can feel the warmth of his touch even through the fabric of your clothes.

You both share a small, secret smile, your hands clasped together beneath the table. It’s a quiet gesture, unnoticed by everyone else, but it feels incredibly significant to you both. The simple act of holding hands is a silent affirmation of your connection, a shared moment that’s just for the two of you.

The conversation at the table flows easily, with Darry and Soda discussing plans for the weekend and Steve chiming in with his own opinions. You can’t help but notice the way Johnny’s hand squeezes yours gently, the touch reassuring and comforting.

At one point, Ponyboy looks over at the two of you with a raised eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Hey, you two,” he says, his tone teasing. “You look like you’re having a secret meeting under there.”

Johnny’s face flushes slightly, but he doesn’t let go of your hand. “Just… enjoying the dinner,” he replies with a grin.

Soda chuckles, glancing between you and Johnny. “Yeah, you two look pretty cozy.”

The gang’s light-hearted comments only make the moment sweeter. The shared jokes and playful teasing create an atmosphere of ease and affection. You and Johnny continue to hold hands, savoring the quiet connection amid the lively conversation.

As dinner winds down and everyone starts to help with cleanup, Johnny gives your hand one last squeeze before reluctantly letting go. The small, intimate moment shared under the table has strengthened the bond between you, making the evening even more memorable.

After dinner, you and Johnny linger in the kitchen, helping with the dishes and sharing quiet smiles. The warmth of the meal and the closeness you felt during the dinner make everything feel just right.

As you finish up, Johnny leans in close, his voice low and full of affection. “That was nice. I liked having a little secret.”

You smile up at him, feeling a flutter of happiness. “Me too. It made the evening even better.”

With the kitchen finally clean and the dishes put away, you both join the rest of the gang in the living room, feeling content and connected. The dinner may be over, but the warmth of the evening lingers, leaving you both with a deeper sense of closeness and understanding.

Johnny Cade X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now