☆ Chapter 13 ☆

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Creative Connections

It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, and you're lounging in the living room, flipping through a magazine with a focus on art and creativity. You've always enjoyed drawing and painting, but you haven't had much time to indulge in your passion lately. As you browse through the pages, a particular painting catches your eye-its vibrant colors and intricate details make your heart skip a beat.

Johnny walks into the room, catching a glimpse of what you're looking at. "Hey, what's that?" he asks, peering over your shoulder.

"It's a painting I really like," you reply, showing him the page. "I've always wanted to try something like this."

Johnny studies the image with interest. "I didn't know you were into art."

You shrug, a bit shy. "I used to be, but I haven't done much lately. I guess I just haven't had the time."

Johnny's face lights up with a sudden idea. "You know, I've always wanted to try painting or drawing. Maybe we could, I don't know, do it together sometime?"

Your eyes widen in surprise and delight. "Really? That sounds amazing!"

The idea takes root quickly, and before long, you're both at the local art supply store, picking out paints, brushes, and canvases. Johnny's excitement is palpable as he carefully selects his own set of supplies, clearly enjoying the process of choosing colors and tools.

Back at your place, the living room is transformed into an impromptu art studio. You set up the supplies on the coffee table and spread out some old newspapers to protect the floor. Johnny is already mixing colors and experimenting with different brushes, his enthusiasm infectious.

"Okay, what should we paint?" Johnny asks, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

You think for a moment, then suggest, "How about we both paint something that makes us happy? We can share our favorite things with each other."

Johnny nods, his smile widening. "Sounds perfect. I'm in."

You both dive into your paintings, the room filled with the sounds of brushes on canvas and occasional laughter. As you work side by side, you find yourselves talking more openly, sharing stories and inspirations behind your choices. Johnny reveals that he's always admired abstract art but has never tried it himself, while you talk about how painting landscapes used to help you relax.

Time seems to fly by as you both become absorbed in your artwork. Johnny's abstract piece is full of bold, swirling colors, while your landscape painting captures a serene sunset. The two pieces are very different, but they complement each other in a way that feels right.

When you finally step back to admire your work, Johnny looks over at you with a grin. "This is really fun. I didn't know I'd enjoy it this much."

You smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment and happiness. "Me neither. I'm really glad we did this together."

Johnny's gaze lingers on your painting, his expression thoughtful. "You've got a real talent. I'm impressed."

You blush slightly, feeling a mix of pride and gratitude. "Thanks. That means a lot coming from you."

As the afternoon turns to evening, you both sit back and enjoy the results of your creative efforts. The paintings are proudly displayed on the easels, a testament to the day you spent together exploring art.

Johnny reaches over and takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad we found something we both enjoy. Let's make this a regular thing."

You squeeze his hand back, feeling a deep sense of connection and joy. "I'd love that."

The evening ends with a cozy dinner, the art supplies cleaned up and the paintings proudly displayed. The shared experience of creating something together has brought you both closer, adding another layer to your relationship.

As you sit together, savoring the meal and reflecting on the day, you realize that these moments of connection and creativity are what make your time together so special.

Johnny Cade X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now