Getting food

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As Goku and Leo made their way to the exit of the lair, Goku suddenly stopped and turned back to the group with a broad grin. "You know what? Before we get started, I'm absolutely famished. We should all grab some food!"

Mikey's eyes lit up. "Food? Yes! I'm starving! Especially after all that excitement."

Raph nodded enthusiastically. "I'm down for some grub. Training can wait a bit."

April chuckled, shaking her head. "I guess after everything that's happened, food sounds like a good idea. What about you, Shadow?"

Shadow, though normally reserved, allowed a faint hint of curiosity to show. "I suppose I could eat. It's been a while since I've had a decent meal."

Splinter, who had been quietly observing, smiled warmly. "Food sounds like a good idea. It will give us a chance to gather our thoughts and prepare for the training ahead."

Goku rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Great! I know just the place. There's this awesome diner nearby that serves the best food. Let's head there!"

With the group now energized by the thought of a meal, they made their way out of the lair and towards the diner. The air was crisp with the promise of Christmas, and the festive lights twinkled around them as they walked.

As they arrived at the diner, the warm glow from the inside was a welcome sight. The group settled into a large booth, and the menu was quickly perused. Goku, being the food enthusiast he was, didn't hesitate to order a massive amount of food.

"I'm going for the works!" Goku announced cheerfully, ordering stacks of pancakes, a mountain of bacon, eggs, and everything in between. "And make sure to get some extra for Leo here. He's going to need it with all that Saiyan energy!"

Mikey grinned, also making a hefty order. "I'll have the largest pizza you've got. Extra cheese and toppings!"

Raph and Donnie followed suit, making sure their orders were just as hearty. April and Shadow took a more modest approach, but even they couldn't resist getting a little extra after seeing the others' enthusiasm.

As they waited for their food, the conversation turned to lighter topics. Goku shared amusing stories about his past adventures, which had everyone laughing. Shadow, despite his usual stoic demeanor, even cracked a rare smile at some of the more humorous anecdotes.

Leo, feeling the warmth of camaraderie, looked around at his friends and allies. Despite the incredible changes and challenges ahead, he felt a sense of belonging and hope.

When the food finally arrived, it was nothing short of a feast. Goku dived in with gusto, his Saiyan appetite seemingly bottomless. The others followed suit, enjoying the delicious spread and the lively conversation.

As they ate, Goku raised his glass. "To new beginnings and the adventures ahead! We've got a lot of work to do, but we're in this together. Here's to becoming stronger and overcoming whatever challenges come our way!"

The group clinked their glasses, a feeling of unity and optimism filling the room. With their bellies full and spirits high, they knew they were ready for whatever lay ahead. The journey to becoming stronger and facing the looming threats seemed a little less daunting with good food and great company.

As the plates piled high, Leo and Goku's appetite proved insatiable. They devoured everything in sight with an enthusiasm that left the rest of the group in awe. The diner's staff scrambled to keep up with their seemingly endless orders.

"More pancakes!" Goku called out, his voice full of excitement. "And don't forget the extra bacon!"

Leo nodded in agreement, his eyes glowing with the same eager hunger. "And another round of those giant burgers! We're going to need more of everything!"

The other diners in the restaurant watched in astonishment as Goku and Leo demolished their meals. The once-packed menu now looked like it had been raided by a whirlwind of hunger. Plates stacked high, with crumbs and remnants of various dishes scattered across their table, bore testament to the sheer volume of food consumed.

April, watching in disbelief, nudged Shadow. "I've never seen anyone eat like this before. Is this normal for Saiyans?"

Shadow, who had managed to keep his own meal modest, raised an eyebrow. "I've seen Goku eat like this before, but I didn't expect Leo to keep up with him. They're practically cleaning out the entire diner."

Donnie shook his head, still processing the scene. "This is incredible. I thought Goku was just a really big eater, but Leo's matching him bite for bite."

Raph, equally stunned, stared at the mound of empty plates. "I'm impressed, but also a bit worried. How can they eat so much and still be okay?"

Splinter chuckled softly, looking at his sons and their new friends. "Saiyans have unique metabolisms. Their energy demands are far greater than most. It seems Leo is already adapting to his new form in more ways than one."

Mikey leaned back in his seat, his own meal forgotten for the moment as he watched Goku and Leo. "This is amazing! I thought I could eat a lot, but these guys are on another level."

After hours of eating, the once-bustling diner was now nearly empty, save for the group and a few astonished staff members who couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle.

Finally, with a satisfied sigh, Goku leaned back, patting his full belly. "That was amazing! Thanks, everyone. I think we really made an impression today."

Leo, similarly stuffed and exhausted from the feast, gave a satisfied grin. "I'm going to need a nap before we start training. That was more food than I've ever seen."

As they paid their bill, the diner's staff expressed their amazement at the sheer quantity of food consumed. "You guys sure know how to eat!" the waitress said, shaking her head in disbelief.

With full stomachs and a newfound camaraderie, the group left the diner, their spirits high and their bodies ready for the next challenge. They knew that despite the incredible amount of food consumed, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead, both in training and in their adventures.

As they walked back to the lair, laughter and conversation filled the air, making this Christmas a memorable one. The challenges and training were just around the corner, but for now, they savored the simple joy of good food and great company.

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