Setting the training grounds

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The excitement of the battle had settled into a sense of determination as Goku, with his characteristic enthusiasm, addressed the group.

"Alright, here's the plan," Goku said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I'll personally train Leo to help him master his Saiyan power. It's gonna be intense, but I know he's got what it takes."

Leo's eyes widened with gratitude. "Thanks, Goku. I'm ready to train hard."

Goku turned to the other Turtles, who were still taking in the recent developments. "As for you guys, you should seek training from Krillin first. He's got a lot of experience and can help you get used to being human. Once you're ready, you can move up to Piccolo. He'll push you even further. And from there, you can follow his advice on who to train with next. Maybe even Vegeta if he thinks you're up for it."

April nodded, looking a bit more relieved with a clear plan in mind. "Sounds like a good strategy. We'll get in touch with Krillin."

Goku then turned his attention to Shadow, who had been observing the conversation with a stoic expression. "Shadow, you should start training with Piccolo for now. He's been asking for a new sparring partner since Knuckles moved on to Vegeta's training regimen. It'll be good for both of you."

Shadow raised an eyebrow. "Piccolo, huh? Fine by me. I could use a challenge."

Goku smiled, pleased with the arrangements. "Great! I'll make sure Piccolo knows you're coming. And Shadow, you'll get to see firsthand just how tough Piccolo can be. He's a great fighter and a good training partner."

Shadow smirked slightly. "I'm looking forward to it."

Splinter, now fully adapted to his human form, nodded in agreement. "We have our paths laid out before us. With proper training, we will be able to face whatever comes our way."

Goku glanced around the room, taking in the resolve on everyone's faces. "Alright then, everyone knows what they need to do. Leo, we'll start your training right away. The rest of you, get in touch with Krillin and start preparing for your own training sessions."

As Goku and Leo prepared to leave for their training, April, the Turtles, and Shadow exchanged determined glances, each ready to embark on their new journeys. With a clear plan in place and strong allies to guide them, they were ready to tackle the challenges that awaited.

As Goku led Leo out of the lair, he turned back with a final, encouraging grin. "Remember, it's all about pushing your limits and learning to control your power. You've got this!"

Leo nodded, a fire burning in his eyes. "I won't let you down."

With that, the group dispersed to begin their respective training regimens. Each one knew that their journey was just beginning, but with the support of Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, and Shadow, they were more determined than ever to rise to the challenges ahead and become the heroes they were meant to be.

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