september 12

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What am I thinking about right now? I have a test tomorrow with 20 or so words. Or maybe it was 15. I'm not sure. I'll study tonight. Oh, I have to read. I don't like the book we're reading right now. Actually, it's fine. I like books with the fonts in the books that are old. I don't know how to describe it. Not old, but the fonts that are sort of thick and it feels like it's bleeding through the pages. I had boba today. I liked milk tea before but I don't know if I like it anymore. I like milk tea but I love mango slush. Test tomorrow and I haven't studied. It's fine, it's just memorization. Hopefully I won't have a quiz tomorrow. Please no. But we have a lab so there's probably no time. I can't wait for tomorrow. School ends so early. I can't believe it's already been a week since last week. What did I do today? I had morning practice. It was cold. But not that cold. My hair was nice after. It was cold because my hair was wet. I hate wet hair. Lang was chill. I had math I forgot. What did we learn? I forgot. Oh, end behavior in limits. I like sixth period. I hate coding. Actually, it's fine. I can't wait for Friday but also, I like waiting for Friday but not when it is Friday. I like Friday nights but not Saturdays because Saturday means it's the weekend and it means it's almost Sunday which means the weekend is basically over. I like the thrill of waiting and praying and wishing for it to be Friday. Like Christmas. Christmas always comes so late. Halloween too. It seems like it's coming quickly but time slows down once school starts because winter break takes forever to come but it's really only three months. Two months? Three. And then second semester speeds by because you're busy worrying about AP exams and then it's all over and then it's summer and all of a sudden it's school again. I don't want the school year to end. Since last year I've been dreading summer break because it means I'll be older and that's just too much stress. Mom should be back by now. I did the table but almost forgot. Luckily I remembered. Oh I just remembered what dinner is. I don't know what it is in English. I like Love Next Door it's so good. I've missed k-dramas. I really hope there's no quiz tomorrow. I haven't read chapter 7. I read the summary at the end and half of the first section. It's so dry. I have to do outlines too. Ew. I have a test next week. Every other week is a test. Last year was a bit more stressful but only because—bye mom's here.

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