Can I Be

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Can I be, the one,
You love,
The one for you,
For eternity?

Can I be the one,
To hold your hand,
And walk together,
Drenched in rain?

Can I be the one,
You look at when you smile?
And when your eyes meet mine,
Can the time stop just for a while?

Can I be the one,
To hold you in the dark,
To ward off the demons you fight alone,
And light up your world?

Can I be the reason,
You stand up tall,
Unafraid of what ever you face,
So you can fight,
Knowing the one who has your heart is safe.

Can I be the one,
Who you would like to protect,
Because for you,
I would take an arrow to my heart.

Can I be the one,
Tied to you,
By the red string of fate,
Bound together forever.

So if I whisper,
Ever so softly,
My words holding,
A silent confession.

Would you smile at me,
Look me in the eyes,
And whisper back ever so softly,
You love me too.

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