Part 1

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It wasn't my fault.

That's the only thought that seems to be running through my head as my feet stumble upon uneven ground. The sound of twigs snapping and feet shuffling through detritus only made this situation a whole lot more real. My ragged breath made it hard to hear, the cloth bag on my head forcing me to rely on nothing but sound as it covered my sight.

It wasn't my fault.

But the reason I'm here, the reason that I'm being forced towards my death with five other prisoners— holding onto a rope connected to the others in a straight line as the guards lead us to our demise. Was because I was framed.

Was I? The question keeps running through my mind. The scenes from yesterday replaying in my head like a video stuck on repeat. I didn't even have time to process what I had done, only leaving me on the constant verge of a mental breakdown as I was shoved into a cell moments after and sentenced to death.

My village, a small town deep in the woods and far from the main city. Afraid of the full moon and what it brings— A bloodbath— Every full moon wolves as big as an average sized bear raid my village killing anyone unlucky enough to be outside.

And every year they take prisoners deep in the forest as an offering. Hoping that these sacrifices would be enough to lessen the deaths during the full moons.

It's stupid I know, but it's whatever helps them sleep at night.

I think back to what got me here. The feeling of betrayal makes my chest tighten and from my own and only family no less. If only I had been somewhere else, maybe all this wouldn't have happened, if only I hadn't reacted the way I did-

My thoughts were cut short as we came to a stop. The guards shoved me onto my knees roughly. I knew they would end up bruised, my hands were tied painfully behind my back and they soon began to leave.

It became painfully quiet, the sound of their footsteps fading into the forest. My breathing picked up in panic to my never ending thoughts as they sent me into a spiral. Hours pass by and the bag on my head slowly darkened signifying that the night had come. The only sound being the silent cries and whispers of the prisoners beside me.

Their cries became louder, no doubt hearing the sudden rustle of leaves followed by a deep growl. My breath stilled, shutting my eyes tight as I heard the first scream of the night and the sound of flesh ripping as the others cried, screamed, and begged.

A whimper slipped from my lips as minutes felt like hours passed, resisting the urge to just stand up and run, the thought of not making it far due to the disadvantage of my hands being tied and my vision covered, willed me to stay. Knowing that the outcome will only be the same.

The sudden deafening moment of silence brought me back, realizing the screams had finally ceased. The only sound that remained was my own ragged breath. A menacing growl pierced the air, causing me to flinch violently. My body shook in fear and soon the terrifying growl was joined by another.

There's two.

One of the beasts snarled heavily, the deep sound reverberating through the air and sending chills throughout my entire body. Unexpectedly, the sound of the other beast suddenly retreating caused confusion within me.

Only, my confusion was short-lived as an overwhelming sense of dread took hold of me once more. I felt It's rough, hot breath against the cloth covering my head. Each exhale is a reminder of the deadly beast standing mere inches from my face.  

A shuddered sob broke through me as the bag was violently yanked off my head, my eyes widened coming face to face with the dangerous beast.

I had only ever heard stories about these giant rabid wolves, wishing I would never have the cruel fate of meeting one. I could almost laugh at the irony— with the predicament I'm in now I should have wished a hell of a lot harder.

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