Part 3

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"- ranging from medical supplies to doctors, what do you think Alen?"


I flinch in response to the sudden sharp sting on my forehead, my eyebrows furrow looking down at the rubber band that was shot by my beta.

"Ass." I mutter, grabbing the paper on my desk as I mindlessly scan through the words.

"You've been out of it since this morning," he added, shooting another rubber band across the room.

Rowan is my beta, we've been working in my office all day sorting out supply shipments and all that fun stuff. There's no one I trust more than him, we've known each other since we were kids, including Ethan. All three of us were known for being the pack's trouble makers and now here we are with big titles behind our names.

"Milo's been non-stop pacing in the back of my head all day. He won't tell me what's wrong." I answer, I've tried asking him and everytime he stays quiet and on edge, whining quietly about god knows what.

"Why don't you go out for a run, it's getting late anyway." He stands and I follow along with him.

I give him a nod while organizing the files on my desk. My body moves impatiently, realizing that a run might do me some good after all.

"Make sure Ethan's not up to anything, I haven't seen him since yesterday and he's been blocking my links on purpose." I say, rolling my eyes as I follow him out.

"I'm not his damn babysitter." He argues

"Course not, you both act like children anyway." I grinned, dodging his attempt to slap the back of my head.

We split our ways as I head out towards the woods, taking off my clothes and shifting in seconds. I let Milo take over, feeling his eagerness eat away at me.

I guess he did want to go for a run after all.

His steps felt rushed, the wind whisked against our fur as I felt Milo begin to grow even more restless. The trees passed by in a blur as the night began to set, the forest grew dark accompanied by the soft glow of the moonlight, Milo's steps only going faster.

'Just tell me what's wrong.' I pleaded, not wanting to make him even more on edge. He let out a small whine, his steps unfaltering as he swerved through the trees.

I felt worried, wanting to know what's wrong and yet annoyed with his silence.

I took in my surroundings, the trees were more spread out and the ground was tattered, covered in dried plants and leaves. I grew irritated realizing he had run into forbidden grounds.

'Milo-' My scold was cut short when a smell overtook my senses. This scent was soft and smelled of roses and honey.

'Mate.' He whined and my heart froze completely.

All of my previous worry's and annoyances have gone out the window and I'm left with nothing but mixed emotions.

The chances of a second-chance mate are rare if even possible. I'd given up all hope at the thought of having a mate ever since the first time I got rejected, my heart aches at the thought, remembering the pain I had to go through physically and mentally.

My wolf's rapid steps come to a slow pace and the smell of blood overtakes the sweet scent we were following. My heart pumps with worry as milo growls.

The sound of snarls and flesh ripping catch my attention as we skulk towards the sound. My body shakes in anger and dread at the thought of losing my second-chance mate before I even get to meet her.

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