Part 8

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It's been three days since I first got here, I haven't gone outside mostly because I don't want to. Ethan has passed by everyday to check in on me, sometimes even going as far as staying over so we could eat together.

I have to admit, I don't mind his company. It's certainly made me feel less lonely these past three days.

Violet called me two days ago to ask how I was doing. Ethan had given me a phone with both of their numbers along with some other random numbers from people I don't even know.

He said they were emergency contacts so I guess I'll just leave them there for now. Violet asked me if I wanted to work at the hospital with her, and of course I said yes. At least it saves me the whole process of having to find a job in town.

The thing is, I start today.

If it were up to me I would rot in bed all week and these blankets aren't making it any easier either.

That and the fact that I haven't been able to sleep at all.

It's mostly the nightmares that have been keeping me awake. Though, my first night here was probably the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Even if it was only for a couple of hours.

But I think it was due to the fact that I was completely exhausted. I managed to knock out in only a few minutes.

The sound of my ringing phone is the only thing that manages to actually get me up from my bed. My eyes squint open to look at the screen and I sigh, seeing Ethan's name as I answer it.

"You awake yet quinny?"


I answer, my voice could only be described as dead and I might as well be, considering all the energy I had left has practically thrown itself out the window.

"Are you going to let me in? Or are you just going to leave me outside." I could practically hear the grin in his teasing voice.

"You can stay outside Ethan." I deadpan

"In the cold!?" He complains and I roll my eyes as I throw the blankets off me.

My footsteps could be heard throughout the cabin as I made my way to the door. There's a slight chill in the living room that I've grown used to and I prefer it to be cold anyway.

It's calming and I tend to get easily hot and annoyed so I really don't mind it.

The room seemed to reasonably get colder when I opened the door. Ethan still held the phone next to his ear and his smile couldn't possibly get any wider the second he saw me.

"Violet told me to bring you these." He spoke, holding up a pair of scrubs. "I heard you're going to work at the hospital today. Want me to take you there?"

I grabbed the clothes he handed to me, a pair of dark gray scrubs. "Thanks Ethan but I want to try heading there on my own." I say

I've noticed Ethan can be a bit dramatic, and his dejected puppy look further continues to prove my point.

"If you say so." He sighed, "I just came to check in on you so I'll be going now then quinny, careful on your way there alright?"

"I will" I answer, giving him a small smile as I close the door.

My anxiety has been eating away at me all morning, even more now with these scrubs in my hands. A part of me isn't ready to go outside, but if I don't try I'll have to go eventually.


This damn phone is getting on my nerves. 

And don't get me wrong, I know how to use a phone. The landline phone back home was sure as hell way easier to use than this thing but what's the damn difference?

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