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Jungkook's office was as cold and unfeeling as the man himself. The towering skyscraper offered a perfect view of the city below, but to him, it was just another reflection of his power. At 6'8", he was the world's most formidable businessman, the CEO of the number one company globally and the richest man alive. His name was spoken with fear and respect. Nothing was ever out of his control-until now.

His parents sat across from him at the sleek, black table in his office, their expressions somber. Jungkook remained stone-faced, his dark eyes betraying nothing. He already sensed the gravity of their visit, but he waited for them to speak first.

"We have something important to discuss," his father, Jeon Dae-Hyun, began in a serious tone.

"Get to the point," Jungkook said coldly, his patience thin.

His mother, Jeon Min-Ah, fidgeted slightly before she spoke, her voice softer, more hesitant. "It's about the Park family."

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his gaze sharpening. Park Enterprises was one of the most valuable partners of Jeon Enterprises. But what did this have to do with him?

His father's voice cut through the silence. "We've agreed on an arrangement with the Parks. Their daughter, Lisa, will marry you. It's the best way to secure both families' futures."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed, the words sinking in like a weight in his chest. Marriage? The idea was absurd to him. He had no time for such distractions. His life was meticulously crafted-perfect, cold, and without weakness. A wife would be nothing more than a burden.

"Marriage?" Jungkook's voice was as sharp as a blade. "I have no interest in wasting my time with such things."

His mother spoke again, her voice trembling slightly. "Lisa is... delicate, Jungkook. She has a condition. Her mind is not like others. She thinks like a child, and that will never change. But she's sweet and kind, and-"

"She's weak," Jungkook interrupted, his temper rising. "You want me to marry someone who's mentally incapable?"

"She's not incapable," his father corrected, though there was a hard edge to his voice now. "She needs protection, and you can provide that. This marriage will ensure our company's dominance, Jungkook. You need to think strategically."

Jungkook's jaw clenched, his mind racing. A part of him recoiled at the thought of being tied to someone so vulnerable, so innocent. But another part of him-a darker, more possessive part-found the idea intriguing. Lisa would be his, and only his. She wouldn't challenge him, wouldn't defy him. She would be a possession, like everything else in his life.

"Fine," Jungkook said abruptly, standing up. His voice was cold and final. "I'll marry her. But she will be mine to control."


The engagement party was a grand affair, held at the Park family estate. The elite of society gathered, their eyes always on Jungkook, admiring, fearing, envying. But Jungkook had only one focus: Lisa.

He spotted her across the room, standing quietly by herself. She was petite, almost fragile-looking, with long dark hair that framed her doll-like face. At 5'5", she was tiny compared to his towering frame. She clutched something to her chest, her wide, innocent eyes scanning the crowd nervously.

Jungkook approached her, his footsteps silent and predatory. As he neared, he noticed what she was holding: a stuffed bunny, worn from years of love and use. It was tucked under her arm, and her small hands gripped it tightly.

"Lisa," Jungkook greeted, his voice low and demanding.

She looked up at him, startled, her eyes growing even wider. "Jungkook?" Her voice was soft, almost like a child's.

"That's right," he said, his gaze cold as it swept over her. "We're engaged now. Do you understand what that means?"

Lisa blinked up at him, her expression confused. "It means... we'll be together, right? You'll take care of me?"

Jungkook's jaw tightened. The childlike simplicity of her response irritated him, but at the same time, it gave him a sense of control. She was utterly dependent, like a doll. His doll.

"Yes," he replied, his voice dark. "But there are rules. You belong to me now. I don't share what's mine."

Lisa looked down at the bunny in her arms, hugging it closer. "This is Bunny," she said, her voice soft and innocent. "He's my best friend. I always sleep with him."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed at the stuffed toy. Bunny. He immediately hated it. She was holding it with such affection, like it meant more to her than anything else. His possessiveness flared.

"You always sleep with that thing?" he asked, his voice tight with irritation.

Lisa nodded, oblivious to the shift in his tone. "Yes. Bunny makes me feel safe. He's been with me since I was little."

Jungkook's anger simmered beneath the surface. She clung to the stuffed toy like it was her protector, like it was something more important than him. And in his mind, Bunny was a boy, something that she was lavishing attention on instead of him.

"You don't need that anymore," Jungkook said sharply, his voice darkening. "You'll have me now."

Lisa's eyes filled with confusion, and she clutched the bunny tighter, her lips trembling. "But... but I need Bunny. He's my friend."

Jungkook's temper snapped. He hated how weak and childish she sounded, how she defied him-over a stuffed toy, no less. He reached out and grabbed the bunny from her arms, yanking it away with little effort.

Lisa gasped, her hands reaching out desperately. "No! Please give him back!"

"Enough," Jungkook growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You belong to me, and I won't have you clinging to something else."

Tears welled up in Lisa's eyes, her lower lip trembling as she watched Jungkook toss the bunny onto a nearby table. She was too scared to argue further, but the hurt was clear in her eyes. She wiped at her tears with the back of her hand, sniffling quietly.

Seeing her so vulnerable, so fragile, stirred something dark inside Jungkook. He wanted to control her, to make her realize that she had no one else but him. Yet, in her tearful innocence, he felt an unsettling mixture of satisfaction and frustration.

"You'll learn," Jungkook said coldly, stepping closer and towering over her small figure. "I'm the only one you need. Do you understand?"

Lisa nodded, though her expression remained heartbroken, her gaze lingering on the discarded bunny.

Jungkook's possessiveness ran deep, and the more she clung to things other than him, the angrier he became. He would make sure that Lisa understood her place-and that place was by his side, as his possession.


The nights after their engagement were a strange and twisted affair. Lisa would crawl into bed, clutching her bunny despite Jungkook's clear disdain for it. The stuffed animal was a comfort she couldn't let go of, no matter how much Jungkook growled, shouted, or tried to tear it away from her.

"Why do you always cling to that thing?" Jungkook would sneer, his dark eyes locked on her as she curled into herself on the other side of the bed.

"Because Bunny loves me," she would whisper, her voice trembling, afraid of what Jungkook might do.


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