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As the night deepened, Jungkook’s thoughts darkened. His earlier tenderness had been an elaborate mask, concealing the true nature of his intentions. In the dim light, his eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating glint. He stroked Lisa’s hair, seemingly calm, but his mind was a storm of malicious plans.

Unbeknownst to him, Lisa’s father had been working quietly, evading the mansion's security with a practiced stealth. He had enlisted the help of a few trusted allies, moving through the shadows with a single purpose: to extract his daughter from Jungkook’s clutches.

In the quiet corridors of the mansion, Lisa’s father and his team approached the room with cautious precision. The father’s heart pounded as he saw the faint light seeping from beneath the door. He motioned for his allies to stay back and approached the door with bated breath. They had managed to disable the alarms, but he still had to be careful.

Inside the room, Jungkook’s gaze fixed on Lisa with a sinister satisfaction. His gentle demeanor was a façade for his darker plans. He was prepared to use Lisa’s trust to manipulate and control her further, ensuring she remained under his power indefinitely.

The faintest sound outside the door caught Jungkook’s attention. His expression shifted from one of satisfaction to suspicion. He subtly tightened his hold on Lisa, his eyes narrowing as he listened. His instincts, honed by years of manipulation and control, told him that something was amiss.

Lisa’s father signaled his team to move swiftly. They breached the door, their entrance silent but decisive. The father’s eyes locked on Jungkook, filled with determination and a fierce protectiveness. “Lisa!” he whispered urgently. “We’re here to get you out.”

Jungkook’s gaze snapped to the intruders, his demeanor shifting from calm to alarmed. He pushed Lisa gently aside, his body tensing as he stood between her and the threat. “You shouldn’t have come here,” he said, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “You’ve made a grave mistake.”

Lisa, half-awake and disoriented, looked between the two men. The safety and comfort she had felt moments ago were shattered by the sudden, tense atmosphere. Her father stepped forward, his voice steady despite the fear gripping him. “We’re leaving. Now.”

Jungkook’s eyes flickered with a dark, unsettling amusement. “Leaving?” he said with a chilling calm. “I think you’ve underestimated my resolve.”

With a sudden, fluid motion, Jungkook moved to block their path. He was prepared to use any means necessary to keep Lisa with him. The room, once filled with tentative peace, was now a battleground of conflicting wills.

Lisa’s father, though afraid, was resolute. “I won’t let you control my daughter any longer,” he said firmly. “Not while I still have the strength to fight.”

Jungkook’s expression darkened, his eyes narrowing into a predatory glare. He knew the stakes were high. If he lost Lisa now, it would be a significant blow to his plans. “You think you can take her away from me?” he growled. “You think you can undo everything I’ve worked for?”

The tension in the room was palpable. Jungkook’s cold resolve met with the father’s desperate determination. Lisa’s heart pounded as she watched the confrontation unfold, her mind struggling to grasp the danger of the situation.

Jungkook’s hand moved toward a concealed drawer where he kept a weapon for emergencies. His thoughts raced with the possibilities of how this could play out. He would not let his carefully constructed world unravel so easily.

Lisa’s father stepped forward, his allies flanking him, ready to act if necessary. “You’re outnumbered,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “We’re taking Lisa, and you can’t stop us.”

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