Let Me In

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Katsuki was released from the hospital this morning at 10:23 but Izuku had been there since before visiting hours began, 8:17, waiting outside the door to be let in at 8:30. He was pacing back and forth in the parking lot while mumbling about who knows what, as Katsuki watched from the window. His eyes rolled as the greenette 'fumbled around like an idiot' outside. Katsuki was annoyed with him because he did this everyday since Izuku himself was discharged from the hospital. He'd show up first thing in the morning and wouldn't leave until visiting hours were over. Katsuki fought this of course but 'that damn brat is too stubborn'. Izuku was supposed to be resting at home for a week before going back to class, doctor's orders, but instead he was here. Whenever Katsuki would point out that fact to him, Izuku would flash a fake smile and change the subject.

Which pissed Katsuki off more.

"I'm so glad you get to go back to home today, Kacchan!" Izuku cheered, as he walked out the automatic doors with the Bakugou family.

"He wouldn't have made such a speedy recovery if it weren't for you, Izuku!" Masaru Bakugou praised, as he patted Izuku on the back.

Katsuki detested this statement, his lungs filled with rage. He was about to shout at his old man for 'saying something so stupid', but before he could Izuku interrupted his thoughts.

"I'm just so relieved he's okay!" The words quivered on his lips. He tried flashing another empty smile but the tears that burned the corner of his eyes told a different story.

At the sight of his tears Mitsuki and Masaru's eyes filled with their own. Like a weight had finally lifted from the chests of the three people who loved Katsuki most.

"Us too, kid, us too.." Mitsuki agreed, as she wrapped her arms around Katsuki's neck from behind him, pulling him into a hug.

The Bakugou's offered Izuku a ride back home since they were headed that direction anyway. They have known the kid for a very long time, and yet Izuku still declined their offer, insisting he could take the subway like he had been.

"Inko has probably been worried to death about you these past few days! I can't let her precious baby go home by himself! She'd be hurt if she knew!" Mitsuki argued, dragging Izuku to the car.

She was a fight Izuku couldn't win. Not when she had his mother on speed dial.

"Okay. Thank you very much Auntie!" Izuku said while climbing into the backseat next to Katsuki.

"Tch. What's he doing in here?" Katsuki spits out without thinking. Old habits die hard.

He was trying really hard to be nicer to Izuku after the conversation in the hospital that day about him losing his quirk. It's not that he still wanted to be mean to Izuku. He just didn't know how to be nice. The vulnerability of it all made his skin crawl.

"Don't be rude, Katsuki!" Mitsuki scolds from the driver's seat, "We're taking little Izu home!"

"Fine by me, Hag!" Katsuki shouts as he opens his phone to answer a text from Kirishima.

Izuku, without really meaning to, stares at Katsuki in disbelief as he continues to aggressively tap away.

"What is it nerd?" Katsuki asks without looking up from his phone.

Izuku fumbles at the question, realizing he's been caught staring, "Hm? Oh it's nothing Kacchan."

"Liar! I can tell you're thinking something! Your eyes are doing that twitchy thing. Now go ahead and spit it out already!" Katsuk demands.

"It's just - I was wondering who you were texting is all!" Izuku lied.

"That it?" Kasuki pauses, turning a brow up at him as he examines Izuku's expression, "I was texting back Shitty Hair. He was wondering if I'd been released or not."

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