A Day at the Lake

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Check out these pictures that I AI generated to go along with this chapter!!


Izuku wakes up, eyes heavy and swollen from all the crying last night. As he peeks them open he can see a fuzzy Katsuki in his peripherals. His eyelids fly open as wonders why on earth Katsuki was there, then recalls last night's events.

'Oh that's right.. I came in here after throwing a fit at three in the morning..'

He sits up on the mat and chugs the water from a bottle Katsuki placed next to him early this morning as the blond notices him.

"Oh you're awake? I guess now you can explain to me why you got so damn many of these," Katsuki scrolls down a phone screen as he shows Izuku all the pictures the girls sent him yesterday.

"Kacchan! What are you doing with my phone!?" Izuku yelps, hopping out of bed and on top of Katsuki as he tries to grab his phone. Katsuki holds it away from him, just out of the greenette's reach.

"I grabbed it for you this morning in case you needed it, but now I'm thinking of keeping it just a little longer," Katsuki smirks as he continues to hold the phone away.

Izuku quickly crawls up, his knees digging into Katsuki's stomach and his chest in the blond's face. He almost grabs it just as Katsuki flips them over so that Katsuki is sitting on Izuku's lap with his knees on either side of his hips. Izuku wastes no time bending forward to try and snatch the phone again so Katsuki pins down his arms.

"Nope! First answer my question," Katsuki orders him, keeping him pinned down.

"How'd you get in my phone anyway?" Izuku asks, ignoring him as he tries to squirm out of his grip.

"Why was your password my birthday?"

This question makes them both blush, and suddenly Katsuki realizes the position he's put them in and quickly releases him as he hops off the bed. "Here.. take it," he tells him, handing over the phone.

Izuku grabs it as he explains, "Your birthday just happens to be the same date as when I got my first All Might action figure!" It was technically true. He cried to Inko about wanting one after seeing Katsuki get one for his third birthday, he wouldn't let it go until she brought him to the store.

"How do you even remember shit like that? You're seriously such a nerd!" Katsuki huffs as he grabs the food tray that's been sitting on his desk waiting for Izuku, "Here, I had extra!" He lies.

Izuku carefully takes hold of the tray of food, placing it on his lap as he continues sitting on Katsuki's bed. He looks down out it to see its suspiciously full of his favorite things, a plate of cinnamon rolls in the center, a bowl of strawberries, green grapes, and raspberries on the top right, a matcha latte topped with sweet white foam in the top left, and a single red spider lily flower lying across the bottom.

Izuku picks up the flower and gazes at it with a grin, "It looks just like your eyes.."

Katsuki turns his head away from the mess of the bed on the floor that he was picking up, "What? That ugly thing? I saw it during my run this morning and just picked it up cause I thought you might like it."

"It's pretty, Kacchan! Thanks," Izuku says with a smile. Katsuki turns away from it and Izuku can see his ears redden as he goes back to cleaning.

He sits the flower back down on the tray and starts eating his breakfast.

"The pictures were sent to me by the girls to make sure you were okay.. I was worried when I heard you got into a fight so they did that.." Izuku explains, finally answering Katsuki's previous question.

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