Spring Break Part 1 - Water to Rain

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Katsuki has never been good at understanding his feelings. He only knew there were ones he liked and ones he didn't. For instance, he despised admitting when he was wrong. It made him uncomfortable like a sisal rope wrapped around his chest, squeezing and scratching, with texture so pointy and rough that it itched and burned.

The feeling he had right now was a different,equally if not more annoying feeling. For as long as he could remember there was only one way he knew how to describe it, 'I want to go home', is what it felt like. A sort of desperate longing he had even if he was snuggled up in his own bed.

'I want to go home' is usually what ran through his mind when he was lonely, homesick, or in need of comfort. In this case it was his way of explaining the ache in his chest as he'd spent three days without someone.

'I want to go home' is how it feels to miss Midoriya Izuku, as he sits in the kitchen of his childhood home drinking a spiced coffee with his morning bagel. The phrase repeated itself after every sip he drank and every bite he took. It was infuriating.

Izuku is having a similar insufferable feeling about Katsuki, as he lies around on the living room sofa watching reruns of "What Can Your Quirk Do?" Featuring all kinds of powerful/ unique quirks people possess and use in different ways.

None impressed him the same way Katsuki's quirk did though. Detonating the nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands was amazing in itself, the flashy explosions and blast of flames. It was even more so, because of the calculation and dedication Kasuki put into it. He's worked hard and truly made his quirk something to fawn over.

So that's what Izuku did as he tuned out the show and thought about how great Katsuki was instead. It was self soothing to think about him like this again, instead of all the anxiety he had been feeling for a while.

With Katsuki on the brain, his thoughts drift from one thing to another until all he could think was, 'I want to see him again.' He always felt that way but the desire was multiplied because of all the time they had spent together as of lately.

The last week or so was surreal and Izuku was questioning if he had dreamt the whole thing when suddenly the doorbell rings.

Ding Dong.

"Mom, can you get that?" Izuku howlers to his mother from the other room. He's made his place on the sofa and melted into it, too lazy to get up now.

Inko comes in with a kitchen towel and swats it at Izuku's feet that were resting on the arm of the couch, "You need to get up! You've been laying there for far too long! A boy your age shouldn't spend all spring break in one spot!"

As she's reprimanding him for his bum-like behavior, the doorbell rings again.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

Inko stomps to the door, annoyed at her son, and opens it. She's surprised to see Bakugou Katsuki on the other side, "Oh hi, Katsuki! I wasn't expecting a visit from you today! To what do we owe this pleasure?"

At the sound of Katsuki's name, Izuku sits up straight and leaps off the couch. He sneaks into a blind spot so Katsuki can't see him, and listens in to see why on earth he was here. He's checking his hair in his phone screen reflection, to be sure it wasn't more messy than usual, when he hears the blond's explanation.

"My mom wanted me to drop these off, since I was heading out anyway," Katsuki informs Inko as he hands her a tupperware full of cookies.

"Oh my! How thoughtful!" Inko praises as she takes hold of the container. "Oh! Are these the white chocolate raspberry cookies? Izuku will be so pleased to hear it! After trying these last time Mitsuki sent them over, he went on about them for weeks!"

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