Chapter Twenty-One

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Bree's POV:

Something was up.  Ever since Lettie came back from her walk with Sam, she was acting different.  Like something big was on her mind.  I wanted to ask her about what she thought about Caleb, but it seemed like there was something heavy on her mind.  Sam probably opened up to her about something, and whatever it was, it was a lot to take in.  

Throughout the rest of practice, Caleb continued to avoid me.  He seemed pretty distant from everyone, mostly focusing on the drills we were doing but I felt like there was something different.  

I thought maybe the no response could have offended him, but after his response in stands before we came back on court, I knew for a fact it definitely offended him for some unknown reason.  It hurt to know that things were not okay between us, but I didn't know what to do to fix it.  I needed advice.  Once practice finished, my dad was waiting for me, which meant I had no time to chat to anyone afterwards.  

As soon as I got home, I sent Lettie a message on WhatsApp.  'Lettie, I know the reason Caleb is upset with me... can we call and talk?'

I took a shower and did some homework and finally heard a familiar ringtone fill the room.  "Lettie?" I said as soon as I answered the phone call.  

"Hey Bree, you said you knew why Caleb was upset with you?"

"It was because I didn't respond to him today"

"The text you mean?


"I don't know Bree...I don't think that's it"

"It's got to be... there is nothing else I can think of because everything was great between us until today"

I heard Lettie sigh on the other end.  "Bree, let's change the subject.  What are you wearing Saturday?"

"Lettie, I'll tell you in a minute.  Do you think Caleb-"

"He's not mad at you, trust me.  He is in a really pissy mood because he got in a fight with Zoey, so he's been taking it out on everyone all day.  Sam told me, at school he was super quiet and mostly on his phone probably arguing with her today.  That's why...she didn't come to practice today"

That was such a relief to hear.  Instantly, I felt better, much better.  "Oh, that makes so much sense... it's sad that they're fighting, I hope they work things out soon.  I'm wearing my orange swimsuit and cover-up Saturday with my white visor.  And some crocs"

Lettie laughed on the other side of the phone.  "Crocs are so out of style, but I love that you and I both insist on wearing them despite all the smack talk we hear about them"

"I second that"

"Let's switch to video call Lettie, and let me show you my outfit on camera"

"Okay, gimme a sec.  Ready"

I put on my outfit and turned to video call so Lettie can see.  "Oh wow, girl I love it!!!!!!!" she exclaimed excitedly. 

It did look nice.  I wanted to wear light makeup on the day also.  "Lettie, by any chance do you have a pair of shades I can borrow?" I asked her, looking at the only two pairs of shades I had.  None of them looked good; both were childish.  

"Yeah, I can loan you a pair.  That's not even a question... did you ask your mum about coming by me Saturday as yet?

"Not as yet"

"Don't forget to ask her and let me know.  I told mum you're coming already but just in case she mentions it to your mum I don't want it to be any trouble"

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