Chapter twenty

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Lettie POV:

Caleb King texted Brianna.  In my honest opinion, it was not really that big a deal, but I can see on her face how much it meant to her.  "You have to reply!" I told her.  "What do I even say?" 

"What can you say other than yes you'll be there?" 

I took the phone from Bree and showed Ari, Destiny and Mayla the text from Caleb.  It read 'hey, beach Saturday?'

Destiny let out a mini scream.  "This is so exciting! Okay, don't listen to exactly as I say.  Read it, and don't respond until after school.  Never, ever make yourself too available, ever.  Especially for your crush"

I rolled my eyes.  "Bree, I'll be honest with you, it's really not that deep.  He's asking if your coming to the beach Saturday.  It's the same as if Sam asked me or Jackson asked Arianne.  A normal question any friend will ask another friend," I told her.  Bree shrugged.  

Just then, the bell rang.  "Back to class I guess," Bree muttered under her breath as we all got up.  

*Practice After School at Gymnasium with the Badminton Team

I got to practice earlier than Bree did.  As soon as Cameron and I arrived, Coach Vaughn called us over.  She gave us two letters.  "This is for the upcoming tournament in December; just have your mum sign it and bring it back before October finishes," she explained as we looked at the letters in confusion.  Right, every year in December we have inter-school tournament as a pre-cursor to Junior Nationals in April.  

Both Cameron and I put it in our bags and he went to join his friends and I joined Gordon upstairs where he was doing some work.  
"Is someone doing homework for the first time ever?" I asked, setting my things down next to him.  "You have known me for years, yet you don't know me at all.  YES I'm doing homework but I always do before practice.  Better believe when I'm home, I want to relax"

I laughed in response.  "Sounds about right"

I also took out some books to do some work before practice started.  We sat in silence for a little bit, until I heard uncontrollable coughing.  I raised my eyebrow at Gordon as he tried to stifle it, but it clearly wasn't working.  "Just drink some water fool," I said, handing him his water bottle.  

It stopped shortly after and he cleared his throat.  "Thanks," he said, sounding a bit shaky.  


We sat in silence for a little while longer before Gordon shifted uncomfortably.  "Do you want to tell me something?" I asked him awkwardly.  "Is Arianne carpooling with you on Saturday?" he asked.  "She isn't, but she was a little disappointed Caleb invited her and not you," I replied, smirking knowingly at him.  He shook his head.  "I can't be all over her, I just met the girl Saturday"

"Agreed.  It screams desperation"

"Lettie, please.  Anyways, there may be a small liking for Arianne but I don't want you to overhype things because..."

"Why are you nervous? It seems like she's into you too"

"That's the problem"

My heart dropped.  What did Gordon just say?  I looked up from my workbook properly for the first time since we started this conversation.  "What do you mean, that's a problem?  If you like her, and she likes you, what's the big deal?"

Gordon took a deep breath.  "Don't freak out, but there's another girl at school that is kinda into me and not gonna lie, she and I were getting along fine before I met Ari.  That's why I don't want to jump into anything"

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