Chapter Twenty-four

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Bree POV:

Today was a hot day at the beach.  I really did not want to get my hair wet but it seemed as though there was no avoiding it.  Caleb, Zoey, Shay and Rihanne were all in the water talking, whereas Jackson, Lettie, Mayla and I were by the shore.  Mayla had suggested we do some shell-searching and have a mini race.  First person to get to twenty pieces gets free ice-cream from whoever loses.  

I had found about 8 so far, but today, for some reason, not many shells were in sight.  I waded a  bit deeper into the water and was shocked to realize how nice and warm it was.  "It's so warm," I said.  

"It is, but I'm not surprised.  The sun is blazing us right now," Jackson replied, wading in after me. 

I looked at Caleb.  I wanted to go join the others and talk with him so badly, but I was also hesitant.  As much as it seemed as though he warmed up to me, things still felt tense somehow.  "Something the matter?" Jackson asked me.  I shook my head.  "Everything's fine.  I just want to hurry and find these 20 shells and head in the water."


We searched for some more shells in silence, and I grabbed a handful of sand to make out the beautifies I had.  There were a lot of tiny, pretty shells.  I picked apart about 5 more to add to my 8.  Only 7 more shells for me to find.  Lettie came next to me, giving me an evil grin.  "I love you so much Bree," she said.  I raised my eyebrow.  What was she up to?


I jumped and shrieked at the sudden impact of water splashed all over me, by Lettie.  She burst into laughter and ran away.  Jackson took off after her, seeing as he got splashed as well.  Just before reaching her however, he suddenly winced in pain and screamed.


He waded out of the water, and we saw a small sea urchin at the sole of his left foot as he hopped to the shore.  "Oh my GOSH!" I exclaimed, running out the water towards him to see if he was okay.  Lettie and Mayla joined me.  "Jackson, are you okay? Don't touch it, let me take out the spikes," Lettie said hurriedly, helping him to sit on the sand.  "Does it hurt?" Mayla asked.  Just then, Caleb and the others joined us and Sam and Ari came running to see what all the commotion was about.  

"Oh shit, Jackson are you good?" Caleb asked.  "SHUT UP, I'M TRYING TO HELP HIM GET THESE SPIKES OUT HIS FOOT"

Everyone went quiet.  Lettie rarely ever lost her temper, and no one dared to say another word.  She carefully pulled the sea urchin out of Jackson's foot, and set it aside on the sand.  "Someone help me take him to shore," she said, pulling his arm over her shoulder.  Caleb put Jackson's other arm around his shoulders, and they helped him limp back to the tables where we were, and the group silently followed.  There, Lettie went into her purse and pulled out some disinfectant wipes and wiped his foot.  Then, she felt his head to see if there was a fever or anything like that.  "Lettie, relax, I'm fine... it's not a jellyfish sting or anything," Jackson said.  Lettie scoffed and took out some paracetamol and gave to him.  "Take this if you feel dizzy or anything later," she said.  

"Damn, I missed a lot obviously"

Gordon joined us, and no one even noticed.  "Hey G," Ari said, getting up.  He came and hugged her one time.  "Sweet girl," he muttered, kissing the side of her head before putting his bag down.  They were so cute!  Everyone went back to talking, and Zoey opened her phone and changed Chris Brown 'With You' to Bruno Mars 'Uptown Funk.'

"At least it's Jackson and not Sam who had an accident this time.  Every other week it's always Sam that has some injury," Gordon said, making everyone laugh.  I hated to laugh but it was true.  Sam glared at Gordon.  "Shut up"

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