Friends Brake Up (M)

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Taylor's POV

I had always believed in love. Real love. The kind that sweeps you off your feet, makes your heart race, and gives you butterflies every time you see that person. I had written about it, sang about it, and thought I had finally found it in Joe Alwyn. Six years of a quiet, private relationship—the kind I had always wanted. But lately, something between us had changed.

I couldn't pinpoint when it started, but I noticed the signs. He wasn't home as much. His phone was always face down. He'd disappear for hours without any explanation, and when I asked, his answers were vague, almost dismissive. The Joe I fell in love with had become a stranger. At first, I didn't want to believe it. I thought maybe I was being paranoid, overanalyzing things. But the distance, the coldness between us—it was impossible to ignore.

Tonight, at the charity gala, I could feel it weighing on me like a boulder pressing against my chest. I wasn't just suspicious anymore. I *knew*. It wasn't something he had said or done; it was what he wasn't saying, what he wasn't doing. My gut screamed at me that something was wrong, and I could feel the walls of our relationship crumbling, brick by brick.

Standing near the champagne table, surrounded by glamorous people in sparkling gowns and tuxedos, I heard the whisper that shattered what little hope I had left. One of my closest friends leaned in and told me she had seen Joe with another woman. More than once. The words hit me like a punch to the gut, and for a second, I couldn't breathe.

I forced a smile, nodded, and thanked her for telling me, even though inside I was breaking. My heart thudded in my chest, and all I wanted to do was scream, cry, anything to release the hurt clawing its way up my throat. But I couldn't. Not here. Not in front of everyone. So I pushed it down, buried the pain deep inside like I always had. I was Taylor Swift. I was supposed to be composed, unshakable. But right now, I felt anything but.

I moved through the ballroom in a haze, barely aware of the conversations around me, the music playing softly in the background. All I could think about was Joe and how the person I thought I knew—the man I loved—had betrayed me. I felt like a fool. How long had I been blind to this? Had everyone seen it but me?

And then, out of nowhere, I bumped into someone—someone familiar.

"Taylor?" The voice was warm, familiar, and when I looked up, my breath caught in my throat.

I froze. Travis Kelce. My ex. The last person I expected to see tonight, and yet, here he was, standing right in front of me. It felt like the universe was playing some kind of cruel joke. We hadn't spoken in years—not since that brief, whirlwind romance that ended almost as quickly as it began. Yet, somehow, the sight of him made my heart skip a beat, a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time.

His eyes locked on mine, that same easy, confident smile curving his lips, and for a moment, it was like no time had passed at all.

"Travis..." I breathed his name, barely able to gather myself. My stomach fluttered in a way that felt both foreign and familiar. He looked... exactly like I remembered him. Strong, broad-shouldered, and impossibly tall, wearing that signature cocky grin that used to make me melt.

"You look amazing," he said, his voice low and rich. The way his eyes roamed over me, from my face down to my dress, made my skin tingle. His gaze lingered just a little too long, but I didn't mind. In fact, I liked it. I liked it more than I should.

I tried to laugh, but it came out more forced than I intended. "You're not looking too bad yourself, Kelce," I replied, raising an eyebrow to deflect how flustered I actually was.

He chuckled, a deep sound that rumbled in his chest, and took a step closer. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, a long while," I said softly, the words catching in my throat. My pulse was racing, and I wasn't sure if it was from nerves or something else entirely.

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