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This is hard to write but Hi,

If you don't know what is going on at this point in time consider yourself lucky, because at the moment I am receiving a lot of hate, I am trying to resolve it personally and in DMs but the damage has been done.

I took a 2 month brake not long ago for my health and that included my mental health, I have always been honest on here I have sever anxiety and writing is an outlet,

I am choosing to leave for an undisclosed amount of time, it could be a day a week a month or I may not come back, because of that I have posted all the chapters I had written and scheduled to go up.

I hope I can come back soon but while I won't be on here I will still be writing so when I do come back there will be new one shots and new chapters and maybe even a new book who knows.

To the people who have defended me and sent me supportive messages thank you, I appreciate it. to the people who are pissed off at me, I am not forcing you to like me but look at every Angle of this situation,

I have nothing but love and respect for Lauren and Anci and I don't want anything but a positive relationship with the people in this community.

Goodbye for now

Xx K 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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