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A/N there is an easter egg in this chapter for my new story that will be releasing soon if someone figures it out I will publish the first chapter early

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce sat on the cozy couch in Jason and Kylie Kelce's living room. The soft hum of the baby monitor in the background was the only sign that their own baby girl, Ivy, was fast asleep. It was their night to babysit Wyatt, five years old, and Ellie, three, giving Jason and Kylie a much-needed night out.

Wyatt was sitting cross-legged on the floor, flipping through a picture book, while Ellie clung to Travis's leg, using his knee as a pillow. Travis stroked her head, looking down with a grin, knowing she was seconds from drifting off.

"Uncle Travis?" Wyatt piped up, her big eyes looking curious. "How did you and Aunt Taylor meet?"

Taylor and Travis exchanged amused glances. It was a simple question, but they both knew it was going to be a fun story to tell, especially with Wyatt and Ellie's wild imaginations.

Travis leaned forward slightly, careful not to disturb Ellie. "Well, kiddo, it all started with a bracelet."

Wyatt blinked, clearly not expecting that answer. "Like my friendship bracelets?" She held up her wrist, showing off a rainbow-colored bracelet she'd made earlier in the day.

"Exactly like that," Travis said with a grin. "But mine had a secret on it."

Wyatt's eyes went wide. "A *secret* bracelet?"

Taylor laughed softly, shaking her head as she interjected, "It wasn't much of a secret, really. Travis made a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it."

Wyatt gasped dramatically, while Ellie, still half-asleep, mumbled, "What's a phone number?"

Travis smiled down at Ellie. "It's like when Mommy and Daddy call you. My number's what they use to find me on their phone."

Ellie's brow furrowed. "Do you hide?"

Taylor and Travis both laughed, trying not to wake Ellie fully.

"No, Ellie," Taylor explained gently, "He doesn't hide. But the phone helps people talk to each other. Like when Mommy calls you from work."

Ellie yawned, clearly uninterested in the technical details but nodded as if she understood perfectly.

"So," Wyatt prompted, clearly invested now. "You made a secret bracelet with your phone number. Then what?"

Travis chuckled, leaning back in the chair. "Well, I mentioned it on my podcast with your dad. Thought maybe Taylor would see it."

Wyatt squinted. "But why? Didn't you just want to be friends?"

Taylor smiled mischievously at Travis. "That's what I thought too."

Travis raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I wanted to meet her. But I figured a friendship bracelet was a good place to start."

Wyatt thought about this for a moment, then gave a serious nod, like she was considering all the angles. "Makes sense."

Ellie, barely awake now, mumbled, "Did you share snacks?"

Taylor giggled softly. "Not at first. But we did share dinner later."

Wyatt clapped her hands together, her eyes wide. "Oh! A dinner date! What did you eat?"

Travis glanced at Taylor. "We didn't actually eat on our first date."

Wyatt frowned. "But you *have* to eat dinner on a date."

"Well, we didn't," Travis said with a grin. "We were too busy talking. But do you know who helped us meet?"

Wyatt and Ellie both looked up, clearly curious now. "Who?"

"Our friend, Miles," Taylor said. "He's the one who got us in touch. After Travis made his bracelet, Miles sent me a message and said I had to give Travis a chance."

Wyatt's eyes went wide. "So Uncle Miles made you friends?"

Taylor nodded. "Yep! He got us talking, and then we set up a date."

Wyatt wrinkled her nose. "Was it weird? Because you didn't eat."

Travis laughed. "A little, but it was fun! We talked a lot."

Ellie stirred, still half-asleep, but mumbled, "Did you sing, Tay-Tay?"

Taylor's heart melted at the nickname Ellie had given her. "Not on the first date, but later I did."

Wyatt's eyes lit up. "What song?"

Taylor thought for a moment. "It was 'Cornelia Street.'"

Wyatt nodded seriously, even though she probably didn't fully understand the significance. "I like 'Shake It Off.'"

Taylor laughed softly, reaching over to ruffle Wyatt's hair. "That's a good one too."

Travis grinned, looking between Taylor and Wyatt. "So, that's how we met. All thanks to a bracelet."

Wyatt blinked up at them, clearly thinking it over. "Next time you see Uncle Miles, you should make him a bracelet too."

Travis chuckled. "Maybe I will."

Ellie finally stirred, lifting her head from Travis's knee. "Did you make me a bracelet, Uncle Trav?"

Taylor and Travis both smiled.

"I'll make you one, Ellie," Travis said, giving her a gentle hug. "Just for you."

Wyatt gave a sage nod. "It should have sparkles."

Travis winked at Wyatt. "You got it, kiddo. A sparkly bracelet, just for Ellie."

Ellie yawned again, her little head drooping onto Travis's shoulder. "With snacks," she mumbled, already drifting back into sleep.

Taylor and Travis shared a soft smile as they looked down at the now-sleeping Ellie. Wyatt, however, was still full of energy, flipping through her picture book once again.

"Did you have fun telling the story?" Wyatt asked, eyes flicking back up.

Taylor nodded, leaning closer to Travis. "We did. You're a great listener."

Wyatt beamed proudly. "Next time, you can tell me how you got married. I like that story."

Taylor laughed softly, pressing a kiss to Wyatt's forehead. "Deal. Next time."

As Wyatt returned to her book, and Ellie snuggled into Travis's chest, the house grew quiet again. Travis looked at Taylor, their hands brushing together, and the peacefulness of the moment wrapped around them like a blanket.

"I think we survived babysitting," Travis whispered with a smile.

Taylor grinned, her fingers lacing through his. "Barely."

With the girls fast asleep and the night settling in around them, Taylor and Travis shared a knowing look—this was just the beginning of many stories they'd be telling together, as a family.

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