chapter VII

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"it's alright if you don't know what you need, i'm right here when you need someone to see"

"michael keep up" calum laughed as his feet came to a halt. calum began to breath in out, causing his chest to rise and fall, bringing lingering stares from some of the females that are joyfully spending their saturday morning in the city park.

michael finally stopped beside calum, grasping his knees, panting.

"are you alright there buddy" calum roughly patted michaels sweat coated back, causing michael to stagger forward.

Michael shot calum an annoyed glance."please remind me what running in a damn park has anything to do with reforming myself."

"First step to a better life my friend is getting fit. Take in the fresh autumn breeze and enjoy the scenery." Calum flashed a smile at a passing brunette who so graciously swayed her hips and sent a generous smile to the brown haired boy.

"As much as i appreciate the thought of you wanting to help me, i believe we are here for a much different reason than me trying to build up some sweat." Michael cocked an eyebrow at his friend. "Which i obviously had."

Calum seemed preoccupied with the very busty brunette to notice his friend was currently on his way to find a place to rest.

Michael took a turn at the lake and took a seat on a small bench that was set in front of the water. Michael contemplated whither or not to go back to calum, but seeing as how his friend wasn't all that eager for michael to be there, he decided to just text cal that he was done for the day.

The purple haired boy stayed seated for a couple of minutes watching some ducklings interact with another when a pair of cold white hands covered michaels eyes.

"Guess who it is" the soft voice whispered into michaels ear sending a shiver down his back.


"Close enough braveheart" the voice giggled. violet appeared in front of michael wearing light blue denim shorts, a white oversize sweater and a pair of white chuck taylors. violets jet black hair looked magnificent with the very light clothing.

"long time no see" violet smiled.showing off her extremely straight teeth which was probably the work of braces. "i never saw you as the athletic type"

"oh trust me im not. my best friend dragged me to run with him" michael answered. he was about to ask violet why she was at the park, but was interrupted with the sound of calum calling his name.

"oh there you are mikey. i got that chicks number" calum showed michael his phone with the girls' name and number. heather. michael already knew by the name and the looks of the girl, that his best friend was not going to last a week dating that girl. calum lifted his head up to stare at the petite girl standing in front of him and michael.

"so you're the friend" violet stated with a slight laughter in her voice. calum extended his hand to her and sent a very attractive smirk her way. violet held calums hand and shook it lightly.

"so ive been talked about i see. that is a shame because michael here never mentioned he has such a beautiful friend" calum commented as he brought her delicate hand to his lips and gave a slight peck. michael looked wide eyed at cal, shocked at his forwardness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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