chapter VI

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"i've had it with this crowd, i'm done with this town. i've had enough of these shows and its over with you now"

the last thing michael clifford ever wanted to do was meet up with his ex-girlfriend and talk about their past relationship but that is exactly what he is doing now and he doesn't understand why he even agreed to talk with her. maybe it was the fact his best friend calum pressured him to do it when his ex texted him the day before if they could meet up for coffee and calum said quote unquote, "you need closure and this is the only way to do it, so set that whore straight and tell her you never want to see her again" to michael.

michael was a few minutes early, so he decided to take a seat and order water. he never really liked coffee; he didn't like the way it made him feel after the crash of the caffeine came down.

Michael noticed that the young waitress that was attending him was carefully watching him as she was cleaning some empty tables. her name tag read megan. michael thought to himself she reminded him of the girl from brave.

Auburn hair that was scrunched up into messy curls and freckles peppered all along her cheeks and nose. michael certainly thought she was attractive but couldn't help but think of violet when he looked at her.

The name braveheart coming to mind making the purple haired boy have a feeling of nostalgia.

Its been a few weeks since he last saw the amazing violet and michael wondered if she is truly going to live up to their promise.

Michael was to distracted with the thoughts of violet to notice his ex girlfriend taking a seat across from him. she greeted the purple haired boy but soon realized that he hadn't even notice her yet. which caused her to become a little aggravated.

"Hello michael? Are you still there?" She awkwardly laughed.

Michael shook the thought of the raven out of his mind and looked at the familiar green eyes he used to care so much for.

"Hi lilia" the purple haired boy greeted

"lilia? are you really calling me by my full name again michael?" she quizzed. a flash of hurt appearing in her eyes.

"you already have someone else calling you lily so why should i?" michael shrugged. this new found confidence that michael acquired was shocking to lilia and him both but was such a great benefit to michaels side of the discussion.

"oh mikey i told you i was sorry but cmon lets be rational about this, you did change while we were in our relationship" 

"change how! i was going through a lot and instead of being a loving girlfriend and being there for me, you were off and exchanging spit with one of the schools teachers assistants" michael spat. a wave of silence hits the two as they both recall the day it all happened.

it was 5th period economics when it occurred to michael clifford a senior at west anderson high school that he has rarely seen his girlfriend lately and he even recalls that he hasn't seen her at all today too. the red head brought out his phone from his pocket and decided to text his beautiful girlfriend.

mikey mouse: hey where are you?

lilybug: at home. i got sick with the flu

mikey mouse: aw i hope you feel better babe. ill bring you the work you missed later

lilybug: its okay its not like the teachers wont accept it late

mikey mouse: oh okay 

mikey mouse: love you 

a few minutes passed and  lily still hasn't answered  but michael took no notice to this and just thought she was so ill she fell asleep. michael lifted his head up from his phone to be greeted with mr.eden standing over him, shaking his head disapprovingly. the red haired boy sheepishly put his phone back in his pocket and pretended to take notes.

throughout the rest of the classes that day michael was worrying about how his girlfriend was feeling, wondering if she was alright, if she was getting better, if she was getting worse. so when the dismissal bell ranged, michael was the first one out of the door, ignoring calums and lukes calls from the hallways and just telling them he cant hang out today, he has to go visit lily. 

on his way to lilys house, the red head stopped at the pharmacy to pick up some tissues, coricidin, and hand sanitizer. when he arrived to her house, michael saw a car in the driveway that didn't belong to her parents. "maybe she finally got a car" michael naively thought. 

michael knocked on the coffee colored door and waited. nobody came so he knocked again. yet nobody answered. he tried to turn the nob which was strangely unlocked. michael stepped into the house, setting the bag down on the table by the entryway. he was about to call lilys name till he started to hear moaning. at first michael thought maybe lily was moaning in pain but he heard a deeper voice that couldn't possibly be lilys.

michael took two steps at a time up the stairs and opened lilys room. michael could not believe it. michael did not believe it. he cant imagine that what was in front of him was true. that his wonderful girlfriend that was actually not so wonderful was kissing someone else on her bed, half dressed, and her hands in his hair while his was in hers. 

"sick my ass" michael yelled, causing the two to abruptly stop and look at michael stunned.

"ill leave you two to your business. oh and liliah i hope you really do get a sickness by this douche" michael stomped down the stairs to hear liliah screaming for forgiveness.

"michael im so sorry it was a mistake. it was all a mistake. ill always be your lily" she plead.

michael stood in the doorway and scoffed, "you are right it was all a mistake. it was a mistake on my part, that i actually believed you loved me when you always gave that stupid teacher assistant  goo goo eyes and lilah you will never again be my lily because the lily i once had is all shriveled into nothing"

and with that michael clifford walked away, not looking back, leaving a girl wrapped in bed sheets behind.

the clanking of coffee cups hitting the table and the sound of people chattering brought michael back from his thoughts and harshly set his fist on the table causing liliah to be brought back from her own thoughts also. 

"liliah i am going to say this one time and one time only. i never want to see you again. you make this incident that happened between us my fault for not giving you enough attention because i was dealing with my own problems when in reality it was purely your fault for not being able to control your hormones so you went and cheated on me when i gave you everything and more. so liliah have a good life with that idiot that will most likely never accomplish becoming a teacher. good bye" 

and with that michael stood up and walked away, leaving a girl he once loved behind and not looking back. 

hey guys i just want to thank everyone who is currently reading Rock Show and you guys are amazing thank you 


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