Drunken Confessions are for Losers

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She was just trying to take care of a friend. Why did he have to go and say that?

Lisanna stood behind the bar, her fingers tapping against the wooden surface impatiently. Today was a slow day at the guild hall, not many people just hanging around but she had agreed to take the closing shift so she had to stay.

Lisanna's eyes wandered around the almost empty hall. The usual lively atmosphere was absent, replaced by a quiet calm. She let out a sigh, glancing at the clock above the bar. It was still a few hours until closing time.

As she leaned against the counter, Mira approached with a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, time will go by quickly, and besides I'm sure you'll find something to distract you."

Lisanna gave a small smile in return, appreciating her sister's attempt to cheer her up. "I hope so," she replied, her voice tinged with boredom. "Maybe I can organize some of the supplies or something. Oh who am I kidding that will just make things worse. I'm gonna die of boredom!"

As if her complaining willed it to happen the doors flung open and in walked her saving grace. The Raijinsū stood proud as Mira and Lisanna walked over to greet them, but then again when did they not?

"Hi Laxy-poo. How was the job," Mira said cheerfully as she wrapped her arms around her husband (a recent development that the whole guild was still getting used to). Lisanna had to hold back her teasing of the pet name knowing it would get her killed so she turned to Evergreen who had occupied herself with looking for Elfman.

Evergreen greeted Lisanna with a nod, her eyes scanning the room as she searched for Elfman. "Hey, Lisanna. Have you seen Elfman around? He promised to meet us here, but I don't see him."

Lisanna shook her head, glancing around the empty hall. "I haven't seen him since this morning. He might be running late or caught up with something. He does have a tendency to lose track of time."

Evergreen's brows furrowed in slight frustration. "Of course. He's probably helping someone or got distracted. I swear, he's always so dependable but never quite punctual."

Mira gave Evergreen a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll show up soon. Why don't we all sit down and relax until he arrives? I'm sure all of us could use some downtime."

After a few hours (and more drinks than necessary) the only ones left in the guild were Lisanna, Mira, Laxus, and Bickslow. The four hung around the bar, Lisanna, and Mira cleaning while the other two enjoyed their drinks.

"Hey Lissy," Bickslow slurred getting the latter's ation. "I just realized that 'er brother and sister are shacking up with a member of Rajinshū. Why don't we finish it off, y'know you and me..."

Lisanna quickly cut him off by slamming a clean mug on the counter. "First of all, absolutely not. Second, ask me again when you're sober so that it's more satisfying when I slug you."

Either not registering or caring how serious she was Bickslow just laughed, his tongue falling out of his mouth, and leaned back on his stool, nearly tipping over in the pr, process. "Ah, c'mon, Lissy, you know you love me," he said, winking playfully.

"Oy idiot, leave the kid alone or I ain't protecting you from the demon," Laxus said downing the last of his beer. As if to emphasize his point Mira shot a rather serious death glare at the seith mage.

Bickslow, still grinning, held up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I hear ya, Boss. Just having a bit of fun."

Lisanna rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "Well, your 'fun' might get you into trouble one of these days."

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