4. New nude audience

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We'd been chatting with Christina and Rob for about half an hour when Christina suddenly blurted out, "I really want to take my swimsuit off and get in the water."

"Do it!" Nazia encouraged, always the cheerleader for getting comfortable in your skin.

Christina turned to her brother. "What do you say, Rob? You game?"

Rob hesitated, looking around nervously. "Uh... you want me to get naked in front of you?"

Christina rolled her eyes with a teasing smile. "Oh please! You peek at me every time I'm in the shower when I visit home. Time to level the playing field and let me see what you're working with."

"Uh..." Rob stammered, clearly uncomfortable.

Ed chuckled. "Come on, Rob, you'll enjoy it. It's not like you're doing anything weird. We're all just hanging out."

"The water feels so much better when you're naked," I added, trying to help ease his nerves.

"You've got nothing to be embarrassed about," Kareena said kindly. "Trust me."

Without waiting for her brother, Christina had already untied her bikini top, letting it drop to the sand. She had a slim figure, with a flat stomach and toned legs, though her chest was small. With zero hesitation, she slid off her bikini bottoms, kicked them aside, and stood confidently in front of us, hands on her hips, grinning.

"What do you think?" she asked, as if showing off a new outfit.

Being polite, I smiled and said, "You look great."

"Beautiful woman," Akash chimed in.

Christina beamed at the compliments. Then, with a playful yet commanding tone, she turned to Rob. "Alright, your turn. Get those trunks off."

Rob, looking as if he might melt from embarrassment, stammered, "I—uh... I've got a—"

Christina cut him off with a cheeky grin. "A hard-on? Yeah, I figured. Come on, let us see."

Akash added in a calm, reassuring tone, "Nothing to be embarrassed about, man. It's a natural reaction."

Christina giggled, her voice flirty. "I'll take it as a compliment."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, wondering about their sibling dynamic, but hey—who was I to judge?

Finally, Rob gave in, cheeks flushed. He slowly lowered his trunks, revealing a very prominent erection—probably around nine inches. "Oh my!" Christina exclaimed, her eyes wide.

Kareena smiled warmly. "Rob, you've got absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."

Christina grabbed her brother's hand, giving him no chance to protest, and led him towards the sea. Watching them walk away, it was hard not to notice that Christina's best feature was her perfectly toned, tight asscheeks.

"Nice ass," Aakash remarked casually.

Nazia nodded in agreement. "Definitely."

Rob and Christina waded into the water, their figures slowly disappearing as they splashed around together. We could see them moving close to each other, though it was hard to tell exactly what they were doing—not that it was any of our business. We could see the sister grab her brother's dick and leaned down to take a closer look. The brother hand was held by her and placed it on her breasts.

After about fifteen minutes, they both came back out of the water, smiling like they had just shared some inside joke. But then, Rob froze, his face draining of color.

"Oh shit!" he muttered.

A woman's voice rang out from behind us, full of amused recognition. "I knew you two would end up skinny-dipping once you saw these folks naked."

Kareena's naked honeymoon twistWhere stories live. Discover now