Talking cradles

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Requested by slvt4swift

Me and Taylor have been dating for just over a couple months now, and there's something I've been meaning to tell her. It wasn't necessarily something I was intentionally hiding from her, it just had never came up in our usual conversations about life.

The thing was, this little secret is a major part of my life, it wasn't just some silly little thing. I had a child, yes a child.

She just turned two a couple weeks ago, her name is Evelyn. She had adorable bright green eyes and light golden hair, she was everything to me.

Usually Evelyn spent most of her time with my ex-girlfriend, but I was still a part of her life. Due to my busy career, I didn't see as much as I'd like to, usually only once or maybe twice a month.

But the times where we did spend time together, we sure as hell enjoyed it. We'd always do something fun, like go out for ice cream, or I'd take her out and do something fun with her for the day.

But this month, when I had time to see her, Taylor was already planning on coming over for a couple of days. So I figured, what else a better time to introduce my two favorite girls to each other than now?

Evelyn was dropped off a couple hours ago, and currently taking one of her much needed naps, and if everything was going to schedule, Taylor would arrive anytime now.

I hear the door unlock, Taylor carrying a couple bags and her suitcase in the door. Luckily, ever since Evelyn was a newborn, she's been a very heavy sleeper, so I wasn't worried about all the noise from Taylor.

"Hey babygirl, I've missed you so much." I smiled, wrapping her in a hug and placing kisses all over her face.

"Me too. I love you so much." She smiled, finally letting out of the hug.

"Okay, before we do anything, there's something I kinda need to tell you." I manage to squeak out without stuttering.

"Okay... is this bad? Or..?" She looks worried, as if I'm about to tell her something awful had just happened.

"No.. no, well I hope not." I chuckle, trying to make a small joke.

"I have a toddler, from a past relationship." I announce, her face drops.

"A child? You've had a baby and you didn't tell me?" She exclaims, but much quieter than usual.

"Yes, I do. She's from a past relationship, but we kept it a secret from the public. I just realized I've never told you.. so um yeah!" I smile, hoping she wouldn't be mad.

"When can I meet her? What's her name? How old is she?" She asks, all in one go.

"Woah slow the questioned. Her name is Evelyn, she turned two last month, and she's sleeping in the guest bedroom right now." I smile.

"What? Are you kidding?" She asks, begining to get up off the couch.

"No." I chuckle. "Do you wanna see her? She's a heavy sleeper, so you probably won't wake her." I replied.

"Duh! Let's fucking go." She smiles, practically bolting to the guest bedroom.

"Don't swear around baby, she's only two." I chuckle, sort of half joking.

"Fine." She laughs, creaking open the door to the small bedroom.

I didn't have a full room set up for her in this house yet, but soon. I was hoping Taylor would help me decorate it if she wanted too.

"She's adorable!" Taylor quietly squeals, watching her sleep.

"I know, my two favorite girls finally got to meet each other" I smile, gesturing Taylor out of the room so Evelyn didn't wake up.

"When does she usually wake up?" Taylor asks quietly, careful not to disturb the baby.

"Probably an hour or two." I say as I glanced at my phone.

"Okay. When she wakes up can I meet her? Like actually?" She asks.

"Of course." I smile. "Now, let's go eat, you must be hungry from your flight." I chuckle, heading down to the kitchen.

"We've got those chicken tenders you love? Want me to head some up?" I ask, she nods.

I turned on the oven and put the food in, and waited patiently for them to heat up, which took about 10 minutes.

After we both ate our lunch, we heard small cries coming from the guest bedroom from where Evelyn was sleeping.

"Oh my gosh! Hi baby!" Taylor squeals, opening the blinds to let some light into the room so we could see the baby.

"Hi baby?" I question, Taylor rolls her eyes.

"You wanna hold her?" I ask, picking Evelyn up.

"Yes!" Taylor shouts, but not too loud, she didn't want to hurt Evelyn's fragile ears.

"You're so adorable." Taylor says, picking her up, tapping her nose gently.

Evelyn giggles, I think she liked Taylor's company, she's used to it just being me or occasionally Jason sometimes.

"God she really is adorable." Taylor smiled, cradling Evelyn in her arms.

"I think she likes you" I giggled, taking a picture of them together.

"This is giving me baby fever." Taylor laughs, still rocking her back and forth in her arms.

"Travis.. do you, like.. want more kids?" She asks. We never really had a serious conversation about having children together, but our relationship was getting more serious by now.

"I do." I pause. "Do you?" I ask.

"I really do. I want kids with you, Travis." She smiles, setting the baby back down into her small crib.

"Tonight when Evelyn sleeps, let's make a baby." I laugh.

"Is that your way of telling me you want sex?" She chuckles.

"I mean, you do want a baby, don't you?" I ask in a joking tone, she giggles.

"I do." She smiles.


didn't proof read- so pls ignore the errors 🤗🤗

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