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Idea from Eva622083  & 1almostdo

Trigger warnings: body image issues

I was doing my daily scroll on TikTok like I usually do. I mainly watched videos and cool flashy edits of Taylor to be honest, but today my page was filled with a bunch of dance trends.

Over the past months Taylor has somehow managed to convince me to do many of those silly dances with her and other trends like that, so when I found one I thought would be fun, I decided I'd convince her to do it.

It was that one where I'd basically flip Taylor upside down to that trending audio. To be honest, it definitely wasn't a dance, but maybe telling her that would convince her.

Basically every single video we filmed stayed in the drafts box, and a few were posted to her close friends tab which consisted of, well, her closeted friends.

"Tay baby! Come here!" I politely shout across the house in a playful tone.

"What's up? I'm feeding the cats I'll be there in a minute." She yells back.

I rest into my pillow, waiting for what felt like ages because she's probably making those cats a 10-course meal or something. I think loves her fur-babies more than me at this point.

"Hi" I hear a small voice a few minutes later, and then see Taylor's frame standing in the doorway.

"Hey babygirl, so..." I paused. "You know those dance trends you always force me to do with you?" I chuckle, setting my phone up across the room, propping it on a dresser.

"Yeah?" She questions.

"Well today I want to do this done with you. Well, to be fair, it's not really a dance... but you get the point." I smile.

"Oh I think I know which one this is... is it the upside down one?" She giggles, scrolling through her phone to find the sound.

"Yup that's the one." I smiled back.

"Wait I need to change first, if we want any chance of posting this." She says, looking down at her outfit. She had been wearing just a sports bra and very short shorts around the house, but she didn't want tree to yell at her if anyone saw the video.

A minute or two later, she came out of the closet wearing a pair of black leggings and one of my chiefs hoodies that she stole from me a while back.

"Nice hoodie." I laugh, she rolls her eyes knowing damn well it wasn't hers to begin with, but I do have to admit, it does look cuter on her than it does on me.

"Are you sure you can lift me?" She asks nervously.

"What? Of course I can lift you babygirl, it'll be easy." I assure her.

"But..." she pauses. "I've gained weight. I'm not hot and skinny anymore, Travis." She mumbles quietly.

"You're perfect babygirl, you don't need to look and be a certain way to feel loved. I promise I'll always love you because, well, you're you." I respond, she shrugs.

"Tay, I don't love you because you look a certain way, I love you because, well, you're you. I will always love everything about you, but your personality and kindness are unmatched. I love you, baby." I reply wrapping her in a tight hug.

"And I promise, I won't drop you. I can bench probably... hm, three times your weight." I respond, now feeling bad that this cute little fun idea turned into such a deep conversation.

"And you're like 100% sure about that?" She asks, I nod, full of confidence.

"You still up for the video?" I ask, she nods.

"Great" I smile, going over the press the 10 second timer before I go over to where she was standing.

"Ready?" I chuckle, she smiles and nods, bracing herself to be flipped upside down.

Once the right part of the song played, I picked her up with ease, just as promised and flipped her a full 360 degrees around and she landed right back on her feet.

"Damn" she chuckled. "You really are strong I guess" she said, going over the press the finishing button with the video.

"Well, you know, playing football for my entire life might have a little something to do with that, just a guess." I laugh, picking her up and tossing her on the bed carefully.

"Now babygirl, we've got another problem that we need to address." I pause, trying to figure out the best way to help her handle this situation.

"You said you weren't hot earlier... and I very much disagree with that." I begin to address the topic.

"Well it's true, I'm not." She sighs.

"Tell me why you think that, and I'll be the judge of if it's true or not." I firmly ask.

"Well, my waist isn't defined, my boobs don't look big enough, I have cellulite on my thighs, stretch marks all over the place, my teeth aren't white, my freckles aren't cute, my legs have too much hair, my skin is dull, and I could go on, it's so... just so fucking much." She complains,

I take what she said into consideration, and think about it from her perspective. I know damn well she's the hottest woman I've ever laid my eyes on, regardless of what she thinks.

"Baby, you're beautiful. I love every fucking thing about you, you don't need to be a size 0 for me to love you, you don't need to get a boob job so I can love you, none of that matters. Those things are out of your control." I assure her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I know I can't necessary control it, but that doesn't make it hot or pretty..." she sighs.

"I find everything about you hot. I don't care if your teeth are aren't super white, or if have some hair on your legs. You're still absolutely stunning and gorgeous." I assure her.

"You really think that?" She asks, I nod.

"I know that. I love you so much pretty girl." I smile and place a kiss on the side of her head.

"I love you too." She smiles


This was originally just gonna be a really sweet and fluffy chapter but it somehow ended up slightly depressing, whoops.

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