As Red As Ember.

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"W-what do you mean you saw Nari do..that?" Minji says. I'd notice the vibe in the room change. As if I wasn't supposed to say that. "T-there's no way Nari would do that.. S-she's not like that!" Naeun would say, grabbing my shoulders. "I know it might seem unbelievable, but you guys saw it yourself. Nari isn't what she says she is. At all." Naeun would  let go of me and would stare at the floor with her head down. As Minji would look the other way in denial. "Well, it doesn't sound true but, I trust you, Soyeon." Naeun would pick her head backup and would stare at me with a fake seeming smile. "Yeah, you wouldn't tell us this if you were lying." Minji would look at me aswell and smile a bit.
"Hey we can continue conversation later. I'll see you guys at lunch. I'm gonna get a quick drink of water." I'd say. "Alright then Soyeon.. We'll see you." They'd both wave and smile at me. But as they turned to leave the bathroom I'd notice both of their smiles drop. As I'd leave the bathroom shortly afterwards, I'd keep my head down. Was I meant to tell them that? I could've messed up the games progress.. Speaking of progress it's been the second day, shouldn't the second male lead appear by now? While looking down with a trail of never ending thoughts, I'd bump into somebody, I'd look up at them and I'd notice a tall blonde haired pale vampire-like man "..." He didn't even move an inch when I bumped into him. "..I, I'm sorry-" He'd walk away. I got chills down my spine. I'd check the clock and realize I'm late. Damn it. I'd run past him noticing him walk alarming slow. I'd get a look at his face and I'd notice his fierce eyes as red as ember. As I'd open the door quickly. I'd see all the eyes on me. Gosh. How awkward. "Lee Soyeon, late again I see. You'll be participating after school in helping clean the classroom. And please don't ditch this time before I take action." The teachers says, while writing on the chalkboard. "Yes sir, I'm sorry!" I'd quickly walk over to my seat and the teacher would resume the lesson. As soon as I'd take a seat, I'd hear Daeyang chuckle quietly. I'd look at him. "W-what's so funny?" I'd whisper to him. "Nothing, nothing at all." Daeyang would whisper back. I must look funny today.. and the day before. Jeez, why is he always laughing at me? While putting my head in my book, the door would open slowly. And I'd see the vampire-like man walk through the door with headphones hanging on his neck. "Chen, you missed yesterday's lesson. Take a seat next to..____." "Chen? Is he a foreigner. God, he's handsome." I'd hear a classmate say. And that's when it hit me. That's the damn second lead, Chen. God d*****. why does he have to come now.. After all, he is the reason how all the drama starts.

His love for Nari was at first sight. As soon as Nari walked past him and they made eye content, he vowed she would be his. His at first innocent love for her, would've quickly become obsessive.. He'd have photos of her all over his room, he'd have a shrine for her. He'd steal her stuff. He'd become more and more obsessive. Until he went too far. Nari would one day walk into his bedroom and see the photos of her all over the wall, the shrines, her missing clothing, and a fresh bloody corpse hanged on the wall. With blood still oozing out of the body. It was non other than Nari's mother. She didn't approve of him and he believed she was getting in the way. Resulting in him killing her mercilessly in cold blood. Nari would be left traumatized forever. He'd be sent to prison serving life while Nari and Jihu would live happily ever after.

As he'd take his seat he'd immediately make eye contact with me. As if he'd didn't expect to see me. I'd instinctively looked away and a cold sweat would drip down from my neck. "Here." I'd turn to see Daeyang give me an expensive looking handkerchief. "You look sick, are you doing alright?" He'd say with a worried expression on his face. I'd look to the seat Chen was seating in to see he wasn't looking at me anymore and I'd sigh of relief. "T-thank you Daeyang, are you- are you sure I could use this? It seems expensive." I'd say avoiding Daeyang gaze. "Haha, no worries. I have a lot anyways. As long as you give it back though." Daeyang would say smiling at me. "O-of course! I'll have it washed by tomorrow!" I'd say. "Great." Daeyang would say, as he'd look at the window. I'd notice myself catch butterflies. Do I like.. Daeyang? No, get a grip. I have to focus on getting home. I have no time for these.. feelings. I'd better distance myself from Daeyang. I'd put the handkerchief in my pocket and would focus on the lesson. "Alright everyone, seems like class will be ending soon. I'll be pulling popsicles sticks for afterschool cleaning. Soyeon will be staying either way so let's get one more. Let's see.. new student Chen!" Sh**. I'd stare at my desk as everyone would pack their bags and leave remembering just how violent Chen truly is. What if I say the wrong words to him? Would he.. he wouldn't.. right? Minji would walk over to my desk, "Text us when you get back home, Kay!" Minji would say smiling as Naeun would wave while she would wait at the door. Soon the classroom would get quieter and quieter as more people left. I'd remain sat at my desk nervous to even look up. What if just staring at him pisses him off? I can't risk it.. "Are you gonna help clean, or what?" Chen would say in a deep low cold tone standing near my desk. "Ah, uh.. Y-yeah, sorry." I'd nervously say quietly. I'd slightly look at Chen cleaning the white board with headphones on his ears. I'll just avoid him while cleaning the desks. While cleaning I'd notice Chen put his headphones around his neck and would walk towards me. Sh**! Did I piss him off? Is he gonna kill me! Is he- "There's some papers the teacher needs you to bring to the principal. Forgot to mention it." Chen would say, not even looking at me. As if I was not there. "Oh.. is that so... Alright then. I'll be back to finish cleaning up the desks! Uh..see ya?" I'd say, smiling fakely. As soon as I'd get past the door I'd break eye contact and sprint through the hallway to the principal office. I should probably loosen up.. in the beginning he wasn't as bad as a guy. Maybe I'm overreacting. I'd sigh and enter the principals office with a fake smile. "Hello sir!"
As I'd leave the principals office I'd open the door to see Chen right there. Looking at me. "You took too long. I cleaned up your area so we can both go home." Chen would say coldly, looking right down at me."I-I'm so so-" Chen would turn his back and would start walking and would put the headphones that were hanging on his neck, on his ears. "You don't have to apologize. Just consider it me being nice. I'm not as bad as you think I am." Chen would say, stopping for a moment to finish his sentence halfway staring at me. And continuing to walk away afterwards. Did he seriously read me?? I guess I was jumping at every word he'd utter. "'Consider it me being nice' huh.." I guess I never viewed him in a light of good. But I can't just forget that he killed Nari's mother. I'd wait till he'd have left the school to start packing my stuff, heading downstairs and leaving. Gosh. What a long day. I need some rest.

Chen's face claim (not my art)

Chen's face claim (not my art)

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